Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Soul Mood - "Cultivating Your State of Mind"

Soul Mood – “Cultivating Your State of Mind”

All of our fundamental perceptions flow spontaneously as an expression of our state-of-mind. Whatever mood we are in, becomes how we color experiences and interpret neutral information to give it meaning. The meaning we give things serves as an expression of the mood that births it. How we ‘feel” at any given moment, is a reflection of our state-of-mind out of which congruent thoughts, emotions and behavior naturally form. Our state-of-mind is our fundamental creative orientation. It determines what direction our creative process takes. Out of it – everything naturally flows as a natural and spontaneous expression of a “like” nature.
This is very easy to understand, because if I’m in a happy mood, I only notice things in my environment that support feelings of happiness, I form thoughts as internal representations of happiness, interpret everything in a way that causes it mean “happiness”, embody the emotion associate with happy, and behave “as if” I’m happy. Our Spirit, mind, emotions and body are always congruent and naturally express the same feeling idea.
Whatever quality we embody and bring into expression, stimulates that same quality in others. Energy activates like energy through resonance. We project the mood onto others, then perceive it in them as them. So a happy, enthusiastic person, not only sees in any situation what represents or exists as an “association” that produces feelings of enthusiasm, but causes others to feel and embody the same “feeling state”. This is very evident by simply noticing the effect a positive person has on the environment just by walking into the room. Everyone in the room immediately feels better and focus on thoughts and emotions that cause them to naturally have a brighter outlook. When we feel good, life is good. All we seem to notice is good things, the good in others, we tell good stories and make others feel good as a result.
So the most fundamental skill we can learn, the starting point in any process, is learning how to intentionally create the desired state-of-mind that will be most appropriate for whatever it is we are preparing to engage in. The proper state of mind forms the proper orientation out of which congruent perceptions and performance naturally emerge. Usually a poor performance, or destructive behavior stems out of walking into a situation in the wrong mood for what you are intending to do.
When we cultivate the proper state-of-mind, a natural series of correspondences as experience spontaneously emerge and flow without effort. This is the true meaning of the path of least resistance, or consciously willing reality “effortlessly” through atonement or alignment. If we do not understand how to first create the proper mental atmosphere that supports the desired eco-system that nourishes natural growth and supports life, and we start off with the wrong mood, then everything feels like hard work. We have really “try” and push hard to make things happen. When we try to grow things in the wrong environment, it takes a lot of work and extra attention.
Our state = what our mind looks for, what we see, abstract, and the quality of meaning we give things that becomes the basis for the story we tell that creates our experience “of” that same quality as a living reality. This is why we talk a lot about cultivating an attitude of gratitude. When we feel grateful, all we see is what we appreciate and feel thankful for. When we create a feeling of deep reverence within our hearts, we see love and a deep abiding respect everywhere and in everything. Our experience is of love, and being love. State is an internal experience which forms our external experience. The saying “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” – is really saying that whatever you do to another, you must first do to yourself. All thoughts, feelings and behavior are created internally, before they can be projected onto others and used to perceive them as having the same qualities. The same perception that you use to perceive others is simultaneously creating your self-perception. To “hate” you first create the feelings of hatred inside, then project those feelings out onto someone else, perceive it in them as them, and experience yourself as hateful. The same criteria we use to judge or experience others, simultaneously creates an internal experience of the same nature. Our internal experience is our sense of self that we then identify with. It literally forms who we are and is within our control at all times. We are in fact always self creating and expressing. Our state-of-mind is how we see ourselves in everything we look at. All perception is ultimately and intimately “self-perception”.

Linda Gadbois, Ph.D (c)). CCHt., RMT

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