Ideals – “A Model of Excellence”
“Creating the ideal you”
An ideal serves as a model of your highest potential that is used for a template and standard of measure for all planning, creative strategies and basic decision making. An ideal provides you with a strategic model for self-exploration, growth and expansion. An ideal is a pattern of excellence that is developed by giving our full attention to maximizing our virtues, strengths and talents by creating a “self-concept” through which they can be actualized. When we aspire towards an ideal it gives us the means for growth, improvement and soul expansion. It becomes the reason for everything that we do.
An ideal is a practical standard of excellence that contains within it our purpose and path for exploring our mind to discover our reason and purpose for living. Our ideal is the influence of our Higher Mind which serves as the organizing principle of our life and directs our ability to self-create through select and personal expression. It is a standard by which we evaluate things to determine what is truly important and why. We use ideals to evaluate all circumstances, behavior, decisions and goals by first comparing and contrasting, then by attempting to align them with our ideals forming continuity and integrity.
Our Ideal serves as the central motivating force of our life. It is the motivating force behind as well as in the forefront of our behavior and desire to act in any given moment. It is a principle that we use to formulate strategies or processes to then apply or use by utilizing whatever is available to us in any given set of circumstances. Like a principle, it produces a consistent theme through congruent behavior that acts to express our “ideal self” through an ongoing story.
We create ideals by maximizing our virtues and talents while minimizing our faults. It is a perception of us as perfect, or as the embodiment of our highest self at any given moment. What we focus on, hold in our mind and give our attention to, we grow. We build it by developing it with thoughts of a congruent nature that act to create a conceptual pathway or blueprint for expression. When we hold our highest ideals in mind consistently, we spontaneously bring them into constant expression by creating behavior that acts them out giving us a particular type of experience of ourselves in relationship to everything else. My ideals represent my good that I use naturally to walk towards my goals firmly and with bold precise steps. An ideal is like a rudder on a ship that functions to keep it on course for the duration of it journey between shores.
An ideal acts as a principle by creating a model or template that represents what and who we aspire to be like. It embodies our primary intent and all-pervading desire for self-actualizing in a way that optimizes our soul’s evolution towards healing. It is a tool that forms a natural series of correspondences that allow us to explore our own mind and inner depths bringing what is subtle and impressionistic to the surface to be recognized consciously. Our ideal exists within us as our soul’s capacity for expression of our highest potential. Even when it is not brought into conscious awareness it pervades our life subconsciously through subtleties, temperament, tendencies, and natural preferences. Once these become conscious and shaped into a conceptual model using the imagination, the 3-minds (trinity); Super-conscious, subconscious and conscious, can be aligned in purpose, path and destiny. When this happens creation becomes greatly accelerated. We create a form of “worm-hole” in the fabric of space-time.
When our model for creation is clear, precise and well-defined, we can literally warp the space/time continuum and greatly reduce the amount of time required for energy to express as matter. We can manifest our higher self instantaneously and without effort. The key to conscious creation in which we actively participate, is through unification, atonement, or an alignment of our mind in all three of it’s aspects. When our three minds become aligned, our four corresponding bodies; spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, creates an ideal ecology for manifesting perfection as a “flowing” motion. When ideals exist in a conflicting state, like anything else they serve to contradict and cancel each other out. One step forward . . . two steps backwards. When we have a clear idea of our higher self, or personal ideal, we can consciously create an integrated image that will form a unified idea that will embody all ideals into a singular expression.
The rules for creating an ideal vary for each person. All creativity is individual, unique and appropriate to it’s specific application. An ideal has to be something that you can actually “live”. Do. It requires effort and a certain amount of work on your part. Choice and will must be practiced through self discipline and a form of devotion to higher values and standards that will automatically induce a superior way of living. An ideal serves as a principle or model for the way we wish to be. It allows us to consciously participate in our own growth and development by imposing a direction on our life through alignment with our “God-mind” or greater Will.
An ideal should not be confused with a goal. Goals are set as a means of actualizing an ideal. An ideal is the ‘reason” for the goal. A goal breaks out into task oriented steps what action is necessary to bring the ideal into fruition. Our ideal is how we determine what is important to us, and sets further ideas for how to achieve them. A goal gives us a step-by-step method for steadily creating and bringing into full expression our highest possible version of ourselves. All conscious creation requires a well defined model, prototype or vision in order to create a physical representation of the same nature outside of us. Without a conscious recognition, we are simply prone to our subconscious habitual behavior which though slow, will still move us in a forward motion of some sort, although with impeded progress. To become conscious allows us to participate in the development of our own life. To create a well defined model, greatly speeds up and facilitates the healing of our soul whose central source of movement is through the “formation” principle which always seeks to become more complex, whole and expansive. Our natural tendency as human beings is to move steadily towards wholeness and perfection by becoming more “God-like” through expressing our Divine nature within our daily lives in a routine manner.
Linda Gadbois, Ph.D(c) CCHt., RMT
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