Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Nature of Emotions and how to Consciously Work with Them

The Nature of Emotions and how to Consciously Work with Them: Illusions are Born out of the Realities we Create While in Emotional States.   In order to work with something consciously and intentionally, we have to be able to... #EmotionalStates #astralplane #emotionalintelligence #emotionalcontrol #selfcreation #selfcontrol #consciouscreation #healing

Mass Brainwashing – Mastering your Will and Learning how to take back Control your Mind

Mass Brainwashing – Mastering your Will and Learning how to take back Control your Mind: In our modern day society of constant sensory stimulation and information overload, our minds tend to be constantly racing with thoughts and emotions that keep us in a constant state of distraction and prevent us from ever being present in... #autosuggetion #brainentrainment #brainwashingthemasses

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What is Spiritual Healing?

What is Spiritual Healing?: The term "spiritual healing" refers to the healing the "whole person", because the spirit is the universal mind, the soul the individual mind, creates body #soul #consciousness #mindovermatter #howtohealoursoul #spiritualhealing #selfcreation

The Pentagram and the Law of Regeneration – The Quintessence, Golden Ratio of Phi, and the Holographic Nature of the Universe

The Pentagram and the Law of Regeneration – The Quintessence, Golden Ratio of Phi, and the Holographic Nature of the Universe: The Pentad, also symbolized as a five-pointed star within a circle (Monad), called the Pentagram, represents the Quintessence as the fifth being or Element of the mind and soul. The fifth Element represents the Ether or Etheric body as a holographic model that encompasses... #alchemy #ancientwisdom #universallaws #sacredgeometry #personaltransformation #self-creation

Monday, July 29, 2019

DNA Transformation – The Law of the Tetrad

DNA Transformation – The Law of the Tetrad: One of the most basic interpretations of the Law of the Tetrad, which is formed in the womb of the Dyad, is that all outward communication as information is received inwardly by the subconscious and DNA (which is the brain of the cell), and modifies the... #astralplane #coherence #consciousmind #healing #mindovermatter

The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens

The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens: All of life as we know it exists as entities that are dual in nature as a field of energy that’s bound to a material core or body of some kind. The material body, which is made of a primarily liquid crystalline structure, serves as the passive component to consciousness, which is its... #akasha #thirdeye #psychic #atralplane #communicationwithgod

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Developing Clairvoyance – “Seeing the Spiritual World”

Developing Clairvoyance – “Seeing the Spiritual World”: I often get asked if clairvoyance or intuition is something we can learn and develop in ourselves, or are we just born with the ability as a gift? And I usually reply . . . it’s both, it’s a natural faculty we’re all born with, that is usually chalked up to a... #akasha #akashicfield #alchemy #psychic #clairvoyance #intuition

The Law of the Triad – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence

The Law of the Triad – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence: The Law of the Triad – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, & Coherence. Our mind works by the primary law that governs all of life - often called the trinity #universallaws #principles #vibration #energy #resonance #selfcreation

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Eternal Nature of the Soul and the Illusion of Time and Space

The Eternal Nature of the Soul and the Illusion of Time and Space: In order to truly comprehend any idea, we have to start by defining the meaning of the terms being used to describe them. While we tend to think that words mean the same thing to everyone, this is never the case, so in order to form the model necessary to... #astrallight #conscious #entanglement #pastliferegression #thenatureofthesoul #soulscience

Energetic Entanglement – Relationships that Span Multiple Dimensions

Energetic Entanglement – Relationships that Span Multiple Dimensions: Defining the Relationship between our Higher Self and Lower Self Entanglement represents a law that’s prevalent at the primary level of reality, and like all laws, describes the behavior and... #EnergeticEntanglement–RelationshipsthatSpanMultipleDimensions #energy #howfrequencybecomesreality #soul #consciousness #Higherself

Friday, July 19, 2019

Quantum Physics and Spiritual Sciences – “Understanding the Significance of the Particle and the Wave – the Universal and the Individual, the Micro and the Macro”

Quantum Physics and Spiritual Sciences – “Understanding the Significance of the Particle and the Wave – the Universal and the Individual, the Micro and the Macro”: Quantum physics is the modern day spiritual sciences of hermetics and the ancient Egyptians #quantumphysics #spiritualsciences #esoteric #Hermeticism #ancientwisdom

The Dark Night of the Soul – Personal Crisis and the Process of Personal Transformation

The Dark Night of the Soul – Personal Crisis and the Process of Personal Transformation: Personal Transformation, which is often referred to in spiritual texts as “Alchemy”, and in Biblical texts as redemption, is described as a thinning, sorting, and filtering process of calcification, dissolution, distillation, coagulation and so on, as... #alchemy #darknightofthesoul #devastation #transformation #lifecrisis #crisis

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Auto-Suggestion and Affirmations – The Secret to Programming your own Subconscious Mind

Auto-Suggestion and Affirmations – The Secret to Programming your own Subconscious Mind: Auto-suggestion works by way of the same principles that affirmations do as a form of guided meditation or subliminal conditioning. Our Higher Soul acts to operate both the subconscious and conscious aspects of the mind to both self-create and create our perception of the outer world. Like all entities and natural forces in the universe, the mind is dual in nature as masculine (conscious) and feminine (subconscious) aspects of the same thing, and work together in a harmonious way to create itself, others, and the world at large, all of which result from a form of self-perception #selfhypnosis #programmingyourself #healing #transformation #spiritualgrowth

The Subconscious Mind as the Vehicle for the Soul and the Secret to the Manifestation of Cosmic Will

The Subconscious Mind as the Vehicle for the Soul and the Secret to the Manifestation of Cosmic Will: The aspect of the mind known as the subconscious mind is also what we can think of as our “body consciousness” and is symbolized in Esoteric Sciences by the Moon which acts as a “ship of the sky” that serves as the means for transportation and communication. The subconscious mind is of the astral plane and is “magnetic” in nature, which means it acts as a passive receiver for electric, willful transmission of information as archetypes; just as the moon has no light of its own, and merely acts to reflect the light of the sun, becoming a source of light in the dark. Light itself is clear and dark until it’s absorbed and reflects off of dust particles or matter of some form, which produces the illumination that we call light where we can see material forms based on their ability to simultaneously absorb and act as a mirror for light (forming holograms) #consciouscreation #highermind #programmingyourself #healing #spiritualdevelopment #personalgrowth

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Nature of the Soul – The Kabbalah Tree of Life and the Process of Self-Creation

The Nature of the Soul – The Kabbalah Tree of Life and the Process of Self-Creation: The Kabbalah Tree of Life provides us with a symbolic diagram for understanding the true nature of our soul and how we can consciously create ourselves through the understanding and utilization of universal laws. It’s created as a hierarchical structure of “spheres... #akasha #akashic #archetypal #universallaws #selfcreation

Monday, July 15, 2019

Sacred Geometry – The Tetrad and the Universal Law of Creation

Sacred Geometry – The Tetrad and the Universal Law of Creation: All spiritual knowledge exists as laws, and Sacred Geometry is the symbolic language used to illustrate and communicate these laws. Universal laws are the invisible forces and primordial intelligence of the natural world as processes that organize... #creatingyourself #decodingsacredgeometry #Dyad

How to Consciously work with Subtle Energy

How to Consciously work with Subtle Energy: Subtle energy is the consciousness that we're always exchanging with everything around us that we experience as emotions that alter our state and create us #consciousness #consciouscreation #emotions #reactivebehavior #selfcreating #selfdevelopment #selfmastery

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Nature of the Subconscious – The Unified Mind of the Material Plane

The Nature of the Subconscious – The Unified Mind of the Material Plane: We often hear sayings about “oneness” and everything being one, living in unity with Nature and each other, and so on, which of course contradicts the nature of our actual experience as our perception of the outer world and others. This is largely due to the... #archetypes #consciousness #DrLinda #transformation #mindsciences #mindovermatter

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle

The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle: As we speak, whether internally as thought our externally as speech, we shape into a reality in a mind as a vibratory frequency that forms our outer reality  #mindovermatter #howwecreaterealty #hypnosis selfcreation #personaltransformation

10 Universal Laws, 7 Hermetic Principles, and 22 Paths of Transformation

10 Universal Laws, 7 Hermetic Principles, and 22 Paths of Transformation: The primary Universal Laws and Hermetic principles provide us with an operational manuel for how our own mind works to create our reality and self . . . #universallaws #principles #sacredgeometry #qabalah #selfcreation #personaltransformation

Monday, July 1, 2019

The Art of Self-Creation and the Power of an “Ideal”

The Art of Self-Creation and the Power of an “Ideal”: In order to “create” something in a deliberate and intentional manner, we have to start by formulating an idea of what it is we’re creating and reason we’re creating it. As with any creative process, we have to start with an idea as an “ideal” of... #actualization #alchemy #becomingthebestyoucanbe #selfcreation #selfdevelopment #creatingyourself

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Nature of Projection, Judgment, and Emotional Reactions

The Nature of Projection, Judgment, and Emotional Reactions: The idea that whatever we see in others and have a strong reaction to is something that we also have in us, can be difficult to understand because of course we don’t see ourselves as being anything like them and may even despise them for being that way... #astralbody #body #emotionalreactions #selfawareness #selfcreation #transformation #healing

Monday, June 24, 2019

Creativity – The Relationship between Choice, Will, and Creating Reality

Creativity – The Relationship between Choice, Will, and Creating Reality: It doesn’t take long to realize that in life all things exist in relationship to each other. There’s really no such thing as an independent or solitary act. Everything comes as a result of something else, or as a synchronized series of events that play... #CreatingReality #attention #willpower #selfcreation #personaldevelopment #transformation

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle

The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle: All “sound” as vibration has a creative or formative power commonly referred to as a “self-organizing mechanism”. Vibration acts to stimulate the vibration of other objects within near proximity that are of the same “nature” as a... #HarmonicResonance #healingpowerofsound #healingpowerofthought

Monday, June 17, 2019

The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design

The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design: Unfortunately so many of us have been virtually detached from our true origins as spiritual beings and taught to think of life from a purely material and very limited perspective, and so we don’t realize the true nature of our own genetic makeup. Many... #ancestralmemory #DNA #ethericbody #personaltransformation #selfgrowth #selfcreation

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Divine Providence – Intuition, Fate and Destiny

Divine Providence – Intuition, Fate and Destiny: The idea of Divine Providence, like fate and destiny, indicates that there’s a grand plan laid out for our life and that a higher power acts to organize the events of our life and the order in which they unfold. It’s the... #DivineProvidence–Intuition #FateandDestiny #howthemindcreatesreality

The Masculine and Feminine Principle of the Soul, Mind, and Body

The Masculine and Feminine Principle of the Soul, Mind, and Body: All spiritual ideas that represent laws and principles are conveyed in symbolic form as metaphors, analogies, and allegories that demonstrate the principles as creating in the material realm. The material world itself exists as symbolic form of the spiritual. The spiritual... #active #alchemy

Friday, June 14, 2019

Alchemy and the Process of Initiation – Transformation and Growth through Challenges and Ordeals

Alchemy and the Process of Initiation – Transformation and Growth through Challenges and Ordeals: The ancient art known as “Alchemy” dealt with the idea of soul purification and self-creation through masterful use of the will. It works through Universal Laws that govern all of the material world as a primary form of mind-over-matter, or the mind’s... #adept #ancientmysteries #ancientwisdom #personaltransformation #selfcreation selfdevelopment

Thursday, June 13, 2019

How we set Our Vibratory Frequency – State of Mind, Thought, and Imagination

How we set Our Vibratory Frequency – State of Mind, Thought, and Imagination: There are many ideas around how to create and determine our vibratory frequency, which forms the primary basis as a thematic pattern for all of our perceptions and life experiences, but probably the easiest way to do it is by gaining a firm understanding... #ancientwisdom #coherence #emotionalstate #state #mindovermatter #perception #howwecreatereality

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Gaining a Practical Understanding of the Principles involved for our Soul to Transcend the Material Plane

Gaining a Practical Understanding of the Principles involved for our Soul to Transcend the Material Plane: This idea can be difficult to fully grasp in practical terms because it’s very esoteric in the sense that it requires a true shift in awareness in order to be able to employ intentionally.It requires an in-depth understanding of the... #alchemy #AscendingtoHigherPlanes #consciousawareness #ascending #transcendence #selfcreation #individuality

The Law of the Monad – The Brain, Membrane, and Will as the Spoken Word that Manifests a Corresponding Reality

The Law of the Monad – The Brain, Membrane, and Will as the Spoken Word that Manifests a Corresponding Reality: The Monad is represented in a geometric form as a sphere or circle with a dot in the center, symbolic of the inner expanding and extending to become the spatial sphere of the outer. The information of the core, germ, or brain expands equally in all... #astrallight #atralplane #consciousness #holographicprinciple #universallaw #will #creatingreality #mindovermatter

Friday, June 7, 2019

Personal Transformation - Reinventing Yourself Using Your Imagination

The Nature of the Soul – The Kabbalah Tree of Life and the Process of Self-Creation

The Nature of the Soul – The Kabbalah Tree of Life and the Process of Self-Creation: The Kabbalah Tree of Life provides us with a symbolic diagram for understanding the true nature of our soul and how we can consciously create ourselves through the understanding and utilization of universal laws. It’s created as a hierarchical structure of “spheres... #akasha #akashic #archetypal

Soul Memory and the Journey of Self-Creation through the Space-Time Continuum

Soul Memory and the Journey of Self-Creation through the Space-Time Continuum: The true nature of what we call time and space as "material reality" is elusive in the ultimate sense, yet quite obvious when we really look at how we form an experience of it. The problem tends to come when we imagine that both time and reality is... #astrallight #astralplane #bodyoflight

Thursday, June 6, 2019

What is Consciousness?

What is Consciousness?: Like all words that represent ideas and concepts, the term “consciousness” can mean something different based on who’s using it and in what context they’re using it. One of the most fundamental ways that we miscommunicate without even realizing that that’s what... #awareness #consciousmind #Dreams #consciousness #mind #soul #mindscience

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Creative Power of the Imagination – Free Choice, Will, and the Nature of Memory

The Creative Power of the Imagination – Free Choice, Will, and the Nature of Memory: “The way to alter an outcome is to alter the pattern (memory) producing the outcome” In order to create by way of laws in a fully aware manner, we have to create a working concept of how the laws operate within the material realm that allows us to understand... #alchemy #Manifestingreality  #selfcreation #mindpower

Monday, June 3, 2019

DNA Transformation – The Law of the Tetrad

DNA Transformation – The Law of the Tetrad: One of the most basic interpretations of the Law of the Tetrad, which is formed in the womb of the Dyad, is that all outward communication as information is received inwardly by the subconscious and DNA (which is the brain of the cell), and modifies the... #astralplane #coherence #consciousmind

Thought-Forms: Scalar Energy, Electromagnetic Fields, and Bio-Holograms

Thought-Forms: Scalar Energy, Electromagnetic Fields, and Bio-Holograms: Both the Pineal gland and the DNA of our cellular structure are composed of liquid crystalline substances that act as a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of consciousness as thought-forms or archetypal ideas that provide a... #akashicfield #alteringourvibratoryfrequency #andBioHolograms

Friday, May 31, 2019

Mastering your own Mind: Will, Intuition, and our Relationship with our Higher Self

Mastering your own Mind: Will, Intuition, and our Relationship with our Higher Self: In order to learn how to master your own mind you have to form a working concept of it in practical terms. In order to do this we have to look at each aspect of the mind and how it functions as a dynamic part of the whole mind... #andourRelationshipwithourHigherSelf #communication #consciousness

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Nature of Emotions and how to Consciously Work with Them

The Nature of Emotions and how to Consciously Work with Them: Illusions are Born out of the Realities we Create While in Emotional States.   In order to work with something consciously and intentionally, we have to be able to... #emotions #healing #transformation #selfcreation #mindovermatter

Memory, DNA, and the Subconscious Mind – Taking Control of Your Mind and Creating Yourself in a Deliberate Manner

Memory, DNA, and the Subconscious Mind – Taking Control of Your Mind and Creating Yourself in a Deliberate Manner: All living organisms operate out of the same basic group of principles represented in Sacred Geometry by the numbers 0 through 9. DNA operates out of the same principles as... #mindovermatter #transformation #DNA #subconscious #mind #selfcreation #soul

Friday, May 24, 2019

Understanding the Psychological Basis of our Spiritual Quest

Understanding the Psychological Basis of our Spiritual Quest: One of the most fundamental truths that we need to honestly comprehend in order to learn how to consciously create our self and our life, is in realizing the true relationship between the mind and body. While there’s a fundamental misconception that... #consciousness #creatingreality #howwecreate

Realizing your True Higher Purpose

Realizing your True Higher Purpose: There are very few things that give our life more meaning and provide us with natural motivation as a kind of passion and devotion than realizing what our true purpose in life is. While we may have several purposes in the general sense of life... #creatingyourself #destiny #Higherself

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Secret behind Understanding how Spiritual Guidance Works

The Secret behind Understanding how Spiritual Guidance Works: The premise required for truly understanding how life works and how we successfully communicate with what we call the spiritual realm (which is really our self on a higher plane), is to start from the idea of unity rather... #askingforhelp #communicationwithourhigherself #divineintervention

Monday, April 8, 2019

Forgiveness – The Key to Spiritual Healing

Forgiveness – The Key to Spiritual Healing: The most basic principle that going on all the time, in every aspect of life, is that we “blend energetically with people and situations”, take on their consciousness, allowing it to affect us in a way that we begin building our identity... #becomingselfaware #howtoforgive #howtohealspiritually

Energy Medicine – Transmutation and the Law of Sympathies

Energy Medicine – Transmutation and the Law of Sympathies: Energy Medicine – Transmutation and the Law of Sympathies         All living beings exist at multiple levels simultaneously and have both a physical and energetic body. The energetic body, which is also referred to as the etheric double or vital body, is... #archetypes #energymedicine #frequency

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Dark Night of the Soul – Personal Crisis and the Process of Personal Transformation

The Dark Night of the Soul – Personal Crisis and the Process of Personal Transformation: Personal Transformation, which is often referred to in spiritual texts as “Alchemy”, and in Biblical texts as redemption, is described as a thinning, sorting, and filtering process of calcification, dissolution, distillation, coagulation and so on, as... #alchemy #darknightofthesoul #devastation #personaltransformation

Conscious Relationships that Serve your Spiritual Development

Conscious Relationships that Serve your Spiritual Development: Spiritual Sciences, which is all about personal growth and development, doesn’t view the idea of relationships in the same way that many other spiritual or religious traditions do. Being of a scientific nature, it... #consciousrelationships #creatinghealthyrelationships #evolutionaryrelationships

Internal Representations – How Our Mental Paradigm Creates our Reality

Internal Representations – How Our Mental Paradigm Creates our Reality: We don’t perceive the outside world “as” it actually is, a part from us, but rather by reshaping it to be like us. What’s being observed and the person doing the observing are a part of the same event, and together form a new... #consciousness #howthemindshapesreality #howvibrationcreatesreality

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Soul Evolution – DNA Transference, Holographic Memory, and Transmutation

Soul Evolution – DNA Transference, Holographic Memory, and Transmutation: The mind, unlike the body, isn’t fixed or stationary, buts in a constant process of morphing by exchanging energy with itself in everything around it. The mind itself is three-fold in nature, and exists at different levels and scales while operating as a single... #andTransmutation #body #coherence

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Mysteries of the Pineal Gland and the True Nature of the Imagination

The Mysteries of the Pineal Gland and the True Nature of the Imagination: The Pineal gland has been considered the "lost key" to the mysteries and is how we tune into and receive information from the spiritual world as images

Alchemy, Soul Purification, and the Laws for Ascending from One Dimension to Another

Alchemy, Soul Purification, and the Laws for Ascending from One Dimension to Another: There are so many ideas being put out into the world right now regarding the idea of soul ascension, raising your vibratory frequency, and what it means to honestly create yourself. Naturally, all of these ideas are referring to... #AscendingtoHigherPlanes #higherconsciousness #howtocreateyourself #transformation #spiritualgrowth #ascension

Friday, March 29, 2019

Learning to Discipline Your Emotions and Consciously Create your Experiences

Learning to Discipline Your Emotions and Consciously Create your Experiences: One of the most prevalent ways we’re controlled by others and the events of our life are through our emotions. As we’re triggered by the emotions being expressed by another, we take on those same emotions, and react in an automatic... #controllingyouremotions #emotionalcontrol #expression

Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle

The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle: All “sound” as vibration has a creative or formative power commonly referred to as a “self-organizing mechanism”. Vibration acts to stimulate the vibration of other objects within near proximity that are of the same “nature” as a... #HarmonicResonance #healingpowerofsound #healingpowerofthought

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Art of Detachment – Freedom from Illusions, Transcendence, and the True Nature of Compassion

The Art of Detachment – Freedom from Illusions, Transcendence, and the True Nature of Compassion: The idea of what it means to detach from something can seem confusing because, like most ideas, it has both positive and negative connotations, based on how it’s being looked at, applied, or done, or how it comes about naturally. In all forms of spiritual development, detachment from the...

Initiation – Illuminating the Soul with Inner Light

Initiation – Illuminating the Soul with Inner Light: What is referred to as an “Initiate” is someone in which their Higher Self has coalesced with the personality and incarnated within their body in a fully active and aware state. The Higher Self typically exists in a dormant state within the... #Initiation–IlluminatingtheSoulwithInnerLight

Monday, March 25, 2019

Learning to Understand the Nature of Life, Death and the Soul

Learning to Understand the Nature of Life, Death and the Soul: Death is still one of the greatest mysteries there are. Some people feel terrified at the mere thought of it because they have no idea what to expect or what will actually happen and “where they’ll go”. Whatever we imagine is largely due to our... #deathexperience #dying #Eternalnatureofthesoul

Friday, March 22, 2019

The Art of Creating Yourself as a Higher Level of Consciousness

The Art of Creating Yourself as a Higher Level of Consciousness: The Art of Creating Yourself as a Higher Level of Consciousness        The most notable difference between humans and animals lies in our ability to create ourselves in an intentional and deliberate manner. We all suffer from a common dilemma... #changinghabits #conscious #controllingyourthoughts

Realizing your True Higher Purpose

Realizing your True Higher Purpose: Realizing your True Higher Purpose        There are very few things that give our life more meaning and provide us with natural motivation as a kind of passion and devotion than realizing what our true purpose in life is. While we may have several purposes... #creatingyourself #destiny #Higherself

Thursday, March 21, 2019

State of Mind – The Science and Art of Personal Transformation

State of Mind – The Science and Art of Personal Transformation: All spiritual development comes by way of embodying and expressing certain “qualities” that alter our consciousness through employing them, and develop our character accordingly. Qualities are states of mind that form our... #changeyourmind #changeyourmindchangeyourlife #changingyourmentalvibration

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Law of the Mind – Our Character, Nature, and Quality of Consciousness

The Law of the Mind – Our Character, Nature, and Quality of Consciousness: The fundamental law out of which all other laws spontaneously emerge out of is the Law of the Mind as "mentalism". The entire material reality is a construct of the mind . . .

Monday, March 18, 2019

Learning how to look at your Diet with New Spiritual Awareness

Learning how to look at your Diet with New Spiritual Awareness: While there's much debate about what makes a healthy diet, we can gain a new understanding by looking at the energetic nature of food

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Mastering your own Mind: Will, Intuition, and our Relationship with our Higher Self

Mastering your own Mind: Will, Intuition, and our Relationship with our Higher Self: In order to learn how to master your own mind you have to form a working concept of it in practical terms. In order to do this we have to look at each aspect of the mind and how it functions as a dynamic part of the whole mind... #andourRelationshipwithourHigherSelf #communication #consciousness

Mind over Matter – The Placebo Effect and the Power of Belief

Mind over Matter – The Placebo Effect and the Power of Belief: The placebo effect demonstrates the power of the mind to direct the natural forces through the power of belief

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Art of Dying – Conscious Transitioning

The Art of Dying – Conscious Transitioning: Returning to Our Spiritual Essence Our Souls Journey Through Time Death is simply a Birth into the Energetic Realm of Pure Potential. A Deep Relief from the Suffering we Encounter through our Physical Existence. Yet Death is a... #agooddeath #absorbingtheessenceofthebody #acquiringexperience

The Eternal Nature of the Soul and the Illusion of Time and Space

The Eternal Nature of the Soul and the Illusion of Time and Space: In order to truly comprehend any idea, we have to start by defining the meaning of the terms being used to describe them. While we tend to think that words mean the same thing to everyone, this is never the case, so in order to form the model necessary to... #astrallight #conscious #entanglement

Friday, March 8, 2019

The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design

The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design: The evolution of the soul through different bodies and points in time may come through the souls ability to produce it's own DNA as a form of family bloodline

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Threefold Nature of our Mind, the Art of Self-Perfection, and the True Nature of Choice, Imagination, and Higher Will

The Threefold Nature of our Mind, the Art of Self-Perfection, and the True Nature of Choice, Imagination, and Higher Will: One of the problems we have in realizing the true nature of not only ourselves, but of reality in general, is that we have a hard time not thinking in separative, dualistic terms, while trying to comprehend a reality that’s the unification of multiple dimensions...  #alchemy #HigherWill #selfcreation #mindpower #creatingreality #transformation

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Practicing Spiritual Knowledge as a means of Creating

Practicing Spiritual Knowledge as a means of Creating: Spiritual knowledge is only obtained through experience that comes from applying it in a practical way as the means of self-creating

Monday, March 4, 2019

The Secret behind Understanding how Spiritual Guidance Works

The Secret behind Understanding how Spiritual Guidance Works: A practical understanding of how spiritual guidance comes and what we need to do in order to utilize it in the practical sense

Friday, March 1, 2019

The Soul as the Subconscious Mind and the Holographic Nature of Reality

The Soul as the Subconscious Mind and the Holographic Nature of Reality: The Soul as the Subconscious Mind and the Holographic Nature of Reality

Understanding Universal Laws and how to Use them

Understanding Universal Laws and how to Use them: A basic description of what universal laws are and how to apply them to your daily life  #law #principles # howtocreate #spiritualknowledge

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Spiritual Mentoring and Counseling

Spiritual Mentoring and Counseling: Spiritual Mentoring differs from other type of mentoring in terms of its subject and relationship to God (higher forces) and learning the practical processes necessary for developing ourselves to be “like God” by cultivating a virtuous nature and exercising our higher capacities to self-create... #healing #spiritualhealing #growth #personaldevelopment #transformation

Hypnosis – How it Works, and Why it’s so Effective

Hypnosis – How it Works, and Why it’s so Effective: Gaining an understanding of what hypnosis is and how it works to produce permanent change

Mass Brainwashing – Mastering your Will and Learning how to take back Control your Mind

Mass Brainwashing – Mastering your Will and Learning how to take back Control your Mind: In our modern day society of constant sensory stimulation and information overload, our minds tend to be constantly racing with thoughts and emotions that keep us in a constant state of distraction and prevent us from ever being present in... #autosuggetion #brainentrainment #brainwashingthemasses

Monday, February 25, 2019

The Subconscious Mind as the Vehicle for the Soul and the Secret to the Manifestation of Cosmic Will

The Subconscious Mind as the Vehicle for the Soul and the Secret to the Manifestation of Cosmic Will: The aspect of the mind known as the subconscious mind is also what we can think of as our “body consciousness” and is symbolized in Esoteric Sciences by the Moon which acts as a “ship of the sky” that serves as the means for transportation and communication... #alchemy #archytypes #characteristics

Self-Awareness and how we Become Who we are – Realizing the Nature of Relationships and Exercising the Power of Choice to Self-Create

Self-Awareness and how we Become Who we are – Realizing the Nature of Relationships and Exercising the Power of Choice to Self-Create: We’re all in the process of “becoming” in life through a constant interaction as an outer stimulus that causes an inner response of a like nature. From the time were born, we’re subject to a constant form of outer stimulation from others, our environment... #alchemy #changingwhoweare #conditioning

Huna – Hawaiian Shamanism

Huna – Hawaiian Shamanism: --- Professional Training & Private Sessions ---- Huna = "hoo - nah" means "secret" or "hidden knowledge" Kahuna = "Kah - hoo - nah" means - "keeper of the secret" Huna is the Polynesian practice of the Secret Sciences as applied psychology and Natural Laws... #ancientwisdom #beliefsystem #beliefs

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Energetic Imprinting, Conditioning, and Dynamics – Liberating your Soul from the Unconscious Tendencies that Bind You

Energetic Imprinting, Conditioning, and Dynamics – Liberating your Soul from the Unconscious Tendencies that Bind You: Energetic Imprinting, Conditioning, and Dynamics – Liberating your Soul from the Unconscious Tendencies that Bind You by Dr. Linda Gadbois

Mental, Emotional, and Physical Purification – The Prerequisite for Transcending to Higher Forms of Consciousness

Mental, Emotional, and Physical Purification – The Prerequisite for Transcending to Higher Forms of Consciousness: The definition for the purification process is to remove toxins, pollutants, and contaminates, returning it to an original state of purity. It’s the process of making something... #andPhysicalPurification–ThePrerequisiteforTranscendingtoHigherFormsofConsciousness #animalnature #ascending

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Masculine and Feminine Principle of the Soul, Mind, and Body

The Masculine and Feminine Principle of the Soul, Mind, and Body: All spiritual ideas that represent laws and principles are conveyed in symbolic form as metaphors, analogies, and allegories that demonstrate the principles as creating in the material realm. The material world itself exists as symbolic form of the spiritual. The spiritual... #active #alchemy

Introspection, Self-Awareness, and Transforming Yourself by Learning how to Work through Your Own Tendencies

Introspection, Self-Awareness, and Transforming Yourself by Learning how to Work through Your Own Tendencies: Self-mastery as self-realization that comes by realizing how we act on ourselves to create our own experiences. By Dr. Linda Gadbois

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Energy Medicine – Transmutation and the Law of Sympathies

Energy Medicine – Transmutation and the Law of Sympathies: The true basis of energy medicine as the minds ability to regulate and transform the body through masterful use of universal laws  #transformation #healing #personaldevelopment #mindpower

Monday, February 18, 2019

The Relationship between DNA, the Subconscious Mind, and the Subtle Body

The Relationship between DNA, the Subconscious Mind, and the Subtle Body: The formula for multiple levels of self-creation as a dynamic combination of the spirit, soul, mind, and body, currently being re-discovered by modern science, was laid out as a diagram illustrating the “subtle bodies” in Esoteric Sciences thousands of... #andtheSubtleBody #astral #changeyourmind

Understanding the Principles for Tuning, Activating, and Transforming our DNA

Understanding the Principles for Tuning, Activating, and Transforming our DNA: Our understanding of DNA, like so many things, has been formed from a very basic misunderstanding or incorrect perception. Most have been told and come to believe that our DNA acts as a permanent formula of genetic information... #Activating #andTransformingourDNA #changingyourexperienceofreality

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Becoming more Conscious: How we Replace Reality with Illusions

Becoming more Conscious: How we Replace Reality with Illusions: We never experience reality as it is apart from us, but rather as we reshape it to be like us by how we form representations and interpret the events of our life

Energetic Entanglement – Relationships that Span Multiple Dimensions

Energetic Entanglement – Relationships that Span Multiple Dimensions: A energetic description of how our soul operates on multiple dimensions simultaneously

Friday, February 15, 2019

Gaining a Practical Understanding of the Principles involved for our Soul to Transcend the Material Plane

Gaining a Practical Understanding of the Principles involved for our Soul to Transcend the Material Plane: Description of Universal Laws that govern transcending to a higher level of consciousness. #ascension #rebirth #transformation #personaldevelopment

Sacred Geometry – The Tetrad and the Universal Law of Creation

Sacred Geometry – The Tetrad and the Universal Law of Creation: All spiritual knowledge exists as laws, and Sacred Geometry is the symbolic language used to illustrate and communicate these laws. Universal laws are the invisible forces and primordial intelligence of the natural world as processes that organize... #creatingyourself #decodingsacredgeometry #Dyad #universallaw #tetragrammaton #tetrad #sacredgeometry #mindovermatter 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Alchemy – The Art of Personal Transformation

Alchemy – The Art of Personal Transformation: What is Personal Transformation & what Methods do we Use to Achieve it? Personal Transformation can be thought of as a form of self-facilitated, never ending growth process. We engage in a form of self-discovery, realization, and actualization that serves to... #adept #alchemicalprocess #alchemy

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Hypnosis & Guided Meditation

Hypnosis & Guided Meditation: "Pathways into your own Mind" Hypnosis and Guided Meditation are a basic form of mind development and personal empowerment that allows you to program your own mind and communicate directly with the subconscious aspect of the mind, which produces all of your natural perceptions and... #addictions

The Creative Power of the Imagination – Free Choice, Will, and the Nature of Memory

The Creative Power of the Imagination – Free Choice, Will, and the Nature of Memory: Explores how the subconscious creates material reality using various forms of memory formed and received through the subconscious mind

Monday, February 11, 2019

Projection is an Absolute Science – “Unveiling Hidden Aspects of the Subconscious Mind”

Projection is an Absolute Science – “Unveiling Hidden Aspects of the Subconscious Mind”: The idea of “projection” can be difficult to understand in the practical sense because most of us have no real awareness of our own subconscious mind, and the true nature of denial and emotional suppression. As a general rule we naturally tend to perceive... #condtioning #consciousness #darkside #denial #repression #unconsciousness #issues

The Unified Reality of the Lower Plane and the Nature of the Subconscious Mind

The Unified Reality of the Lower Plane and the Nature of the Subconscious Mind: There’s always a Divine Paradox playing out in the most basic sense as what appears to be a single reality that’s actually three-fold in nature as multiple planes that act together to create the perception of a single, unified reality. This is... #activeandpassive #automaticbehavior #brainwashing

The Nature of the Subconscious – The Unified Mind of the Material Plane

The Nature of the Subconscious – The Unified Mind of the Material Plane: We often hear sayings about “oneness” and everything being one, living in unity with Nature and each other, and so on, which of course contradicts the nature of our actual experience as our perception of the outer world and others. This is largely due to the... #archetypes #consciousness #DrLinda #subconscious #natureofthemind #oneness #collectiveunconscious #massconsciousness

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Transformative Power of Relationships and how to Create Healthy Ones

The Transformative Power of Relationships and how to Create Healthy Ones: Of all the areas of our life that effect us the deepest and with the greatest range of possibilities, our relationships rate the highest. This is true not only in our relationships with other people, but more importantly, in our relationship with ourselves. The... #abandonment #advice #affection #love #romance #marriage #dating

Understanding the True Nature of Loving Yourself as the Prerequisite for Loving Another

Understanding the True Nature of Loving Yourself as the Prerequisite for Loving Another: We can only love another to the same extent that we love ourselves. Love isn't something that we "do", be rather what we're "being" . . .

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Spiritual Mentoring and Counseling

Spiritual Mentoring and Counseling: Spiritual Mentoring differs from other type of mentoring in terms of its subject and relationship to God (higher forces) and learning the practical processes necessary for developing ourselves to be “like God” by cultivating a virtuous nature and exercising our higher capacities to self-create...

Acquiring Higher Knowledge: Condition, State, and Quality of Consciousness – Drawing Down Energy into our Mental Sphere

Acquiring Higher Knowledge: Condition, State, and Quality of Consciousness – Drawing Down Energy into our Mental Sphere: We now know that the consciousness associated with the brain that serves to operate it isn’t produced by the physical organ itself, but the brain (all material bodies)... #AcquiringHigherKnowledge #AcquiringHigherKnowledge:Condition #andQualityofConsciousness–DrawingDownEnergyintoourMentalSphere

Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Personal Growth

Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Personal Growth: While many of us feel punished or picked on by having a lot of challenging situations to deal with, they actually provide us with a window into our soul and the means of developing weaknesses into strengths. #overcominglifechallenges #transformation #personalgrowth #selfdevelopment

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

How Intention Influences Matter – The State-of-Mind we’re in when we Handle and Prepare Food, Impregnates It

How Intention Influences Matter – The State-of-Mind we’re in when we Handle and Prepare Food, Impregnates It: There's always an interaction going on between Consciousness, Energy, and Matter One of the easiest ways to really understand this idea is by recognizing the most basic law governing the relationship between energy and matter as... #absobingenergy #alteringthevibrationoffood #alteringyourvibration

Friday, February 1, 2019

Neutralizing Demonic Forces that render us Unconscious – Passions, Emotions, and Creating while in an Unconscious State

Neutralizing Demonic Forces that render us Unconscious – Passions, Emotions, and Creating while in an Unconscious State: Emotions are infectious in nature and keep us locked into unconscious states where we replace truth with the illusion of the reality created out of the emotions themselves

Psychology: Understanding the Power of Emotions – “Emotions are Altered States that Produce Realities”

Psychology: Understanding the Power of Emotions – “Emotions are Altered States that Produce Realities”: The first step to all forms of self-mastery is to learn how to neutralize yourself from your own emotional reactions . . . #emotionalcontrol #learningtocontrolyouremotions #emotionalintelligence #selfmastery

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Art of Detachment – Freedom from Illusions, Transcendence, and the True Nature of Compassion

The Art of Detachment – Freedom from Illusions, Transcendence, and the True Nature of Compassion: The idea of what it means to detach from something can seem confusing because, like most ideas, it has both positive and negative connotations, based on how it’s being looked at, applied, or done, or how it comes about naturally. In all forms of spiritual development, detachment from the...

Humility – Dissolution of the False-Ego and Masterful Liberation of the Soul

Humility – Dissolution of the False-Ego and Masterful Liberation of the Soul: What has historically been called the “ego” may be more correctly referred to as the “false ego”, because the term ego is synonymous with “identity” and is used in many spiritual texts interchangeably as meaning the same thing. Our identity is formed by whatever we... #alchemy #awakening #awareness

Monday, January 28, 2019

Initiation – Illuminating the Soul with Inner Light

Initiation – Illuminating the Soul with Inner Light: What is referred to as an “Initiate” is someone in which their Higher Self has coalesced with the personality and incarnated within their body in a fully active and aware state. The Higher Self typically exists in a dormant state within the... #Initiation–IlluminatingtheSoulwithInnerLight #selfmastery #spiritualdevelopment #personaltransformation #soulscience

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Chakra System Provides us with a Model for Using our Mind to Heal our Body

The Chakra System Provides us with a Model for Using our Mind to Heal our Body: The Chakra system of the subtle body gives us a “model for creating” from a dual perspective as the movement of energy that’s both descending as spirit into matter, and matter ascending back into spirit. The creative process... #alteringyourvibratoryfrequency #astralbody #brainandheartcoherence #chakras #ethericbody #mindovermatter #healing #how tohealyourselfuisngyourmind

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Shadow and the Ego – Self-Creation and Personal Transformation

The Shadow and the Ego – Self-Creation and Personal Transformation: The soul exists essentially as threefold in nature between multiple planes, and as “dual” in nature within the material plane. All of life as we know it is comprised of both masculine and feminine energy as an inner and outer aspect of the same mind... #becomingselfaware #beliefs #breakingoldhabits #ego #shadow #personaltransformation #spiritualenlightenment #spiritualawakening

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Monday, January 21, 2019

Huna – Hawaiian Shamanism

Huna – Hawaiian Shamanism: --- Professional Training & Private Sessions ---- Huna = "hoo - nah" means "secret" or "hidden knowledge" Kahuna = "Kah - hoo - nah" means - "keeper of the secret" Huna is the Polynesian practice of the Secret Sciences as applied psychology and Natural Laws... #ancientwisdom #beliefsystem #beliefs #Huna #shamanism #shamans #psychology

The Mind-Body Connection: Frequency, Sympathetic Resonance, and Coherence

The Mind-Body Connection: Frequency, Sympathetic Resonance, and Coherence: Understanding the energetic connection between the mind and body . . . #vibration #subtleenergy #soul #mind #themindbodyrelationship #personaltransformation #selfcreation

Realizing your True Higher Purpose

Realizing your True Higher Purpose: There's nothing more powerful than living a purpose driven life and acting to consciously co-create our destiny . . . #lifepurpose #soulspurpose #destiny #selfcreation #creatingyourlife #personaltransformation #spirituality #mindpower

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Introspection, Self-Awareness, and Transforming Yourself by Learning how to Work through Your Own Tendencies

Introspection, Self-Awareness, and Transforming Yourself by Learning how to Work through Your Own Tendencies: Self-mastery as self-realization that comes by realizing how we act on ourselves to create our own experiences. By Dr. Linda Gadbois  #consciouscreation #selfcreation #reactivebehaviors #emotionalintelligence #selfmastery #selfrealization #selfawareness #personaltransformation

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Archetypes, Morphic Fields, and Memory – The Holographic- Etheric Blueprint for Creating Reality

Archetypes, Morphic Fields, and Memory – The Holographic- Etheric Blueprint for Creating Reality: Memory exists not only as a personal creation we form as the result of what we can call “real life experiences”, but exists as the very basis for knowledge itself as ideas that can be used to create... #akashicfield #akashicrecords #andMemory–TheEthericHolographicBlueprintforCreatingReality

Self-Awareness and how we Become Who we are – Realizing the Nature of Relationships and Exercising the Power of Choice to Self-Create

Self-Awareness and how we Become Who we are – Realizing the Nature of Relationships and Exercising the Power of Choice to Self-Create: We’re all in the process of “becoming” in life through a constant interaction as an outer stimulus that causes an inner response of a like nature. From the time were born, we’re subject to a constant form of outer stimulation from others, our environment... #alchemy #changingwhoweare #conditioning

Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine: What is Integrative Medicine? The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine defines integrative medicine as "the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole... #alternative #body #bodyawareness #integrativemedicine #mindbodymedicine #complementarymedicine #wellness

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Transformative Power of Relationships and how to Create Healthy Ones

The Transformative Power of Relationships and how to Create Healthy Ones: Of all the areas of our life that effect us the deepest and with the greatest range of possibilities, our relationships rate the highest. This is true not only in our relationships with other people, but more importantly, in our relationship with ourselves. The... #abandonment #advice #affection #relationships #love #marriage #transformation #selfcreation #selfdevelopment #spiritual #psychology

Monday, January 14, 2019

Personal Transformation as Global Transformation

Alchemy – The Art of Personal Transformation

Alchemy – The Art of Personal Transformation: What is Personal Transformation & what Methods do we Use to Achieve it? Personal Transformation can be thought of as a form of self-facilitated, never ending growth process. We engage in a form of self-discovery, realization, and actualization that serves to... #adept #alchemicalprocess #alchemy #personaltransformation #selfcreation #consciouscreation #imagination #will #spirit #soul #purpose #destiny #psychology #mindovermatter #metaphysics

The Nature of Emotions and how to Consciously Work with Them

The Nature of Emotions and how to Consciously Work with Them: Illusions are Born out of the Realities we Create While in Emotional States.   In order to work with something consciously and intentionally, we have to be able to... #illusions #emotions #howtocontrolemotions #consciouscreation #reactions #willfulcreation #becomingconscious #howtocontrolyouremotions #naturalforces #subconscious #unconsciousstates #wakingup #selfrealization #selfawareness #mindpower #personalgrowth #selfcreation #becomingconscious

The Nature of the Subconscious – The Unified Mind of the Material Plane

The Nature of the Subconscious – The Unified Mind of the Material Plane: We often hear sayings about “oneness” and everything being one, living in unity with Nature and each other, and so on, which of course contradicts the nature of our actual experience as our perception of the outer world and others. This is largely due to the... #archetypes #consciousness #DrLinda #mind #subconscious #oneness #thefield #unifiedfield #creatingreality #howwecreatereality

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Self-Mastery: Metamorphosis, Self-Creation, and the Art of Becoming

Self-Mastery: Metamorphosis, Self-Creation, and the Art of Becoming: The true meaning of what we call “self-mastery” is our ability to master our own nature and resume conscious control over our higher capacities for creating ourselves. The fact is we’re always in the process of creating ourselves in every moment based... #ArtofBecoming #archetypes #awareness #selfmastery #growth #personaltransformation #selfcreation

#creatingyourself #mind #personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #selfgrowth #soul #mind #evolution #spirit #psychology

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Mind / Body Integration

Mind / Body Integration: Mind-Body Integration is a holistic approach-technique that always keeps the spirit (Life-Force), soul (encoded seed), mind (electromagnetic field), emotions (chemistry) and physical body (unified manifestation) synthesized as an organic Eco-system that's... #akasha #akashicfield #alternative

Learning how to look at your Diet with New Spiritual Awareness

Learning how to look at your Diet with New Spiritual Awareness: While there's much debate about what makes a healthy diet, we can gain a new understanding by looking at the energetic nature of food

#health #eatinghealthy #spiritualawarenessoffood #theenergyoffood #howtohealspiritually #energy

Monday, January 7, 2019

Auto-Suggestion and Affirmations – The Secret to Programming your own Subconscious Mind

Auto-Suggestion and Affirmations – The Secret to Programming your own Subconscious Mind: Auto-suggestion works by way of the same principles that affirmations do as a form of guided meditation or subliminal conditioning. Our Higher Soul acts to operate both the... #AutoSuggestionandAffirmations–TheSecrettoProgrammingyourownSubconsciousMind #becomingselfdetermined #conscious #selfcreation programmingyourownmind #transformation #personalgrowth #professionaldevelopment #healing

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Art of Setting Goals and Manifesting your Dreams

The Art of Setting Goals and Manifesting your Dreams: Setting goals and “dreaming” is one of the most primary ways we use our mind to create realities. While “task oriented goals” are relatively easy, as they only require us to direct our attention and perform remedial acts, producing entirely new experiences as... #creatingyourself #destiny #dreaming #goals #personaltransformation #selfdevelopment #personalgrowth #manifesting

Saturday, January 5, 2019

How we set Our Vibratory Frequency – State of Mind, Thought, and Imagination

How we set Our Vibratory Frequency – State of Mind, Thought, and Imagination: There are many ideas around how to create and determine our vibratory frequency, which forms the primary basis as a thematic pattern for all of our perceptions and life experiences, but probably the easiest way to do it is by gaining a firm understanding of... #ancientwisdom #andImagination #become #vibration #frequency #selfcreation #personaltransformation #mind #psychology #lindagadbois #Spiritualsciences