Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Principles Involving Death, Transformation, and Our Journey through the Afterlife

The Principles Involving Death, Transformation, and Our Journey through the Afterlife: The Principles Involving Death, Transformation, and Our Journey through the Afterlife › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

While many don't like to think about death because there's so much uncertainty involved and it can seem scary in terms of believing that it means annihilation of our 'personal awareness', most true spiritual traditions place a heavy emphasis on understanding the process involved, because it's how we 'prepare' for the afterlife and ascension to either higher or lower levels of consciousness and experience. Death is the polar opposite of life, and like life, functions according to the same universal principles, which provide us with and understanding of the process involved . . .


Monday, March 25, 2024

Pineal Gland – “Inner Stargate to Higher Dimensions”

Pineal Gland – “Inner Stargate to Higher Dimensions”: Pineal Gland – “Inner Stargate to Higher Dimensions” › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

 The third eye of our subtle body, which corresponds with the pineal gland at the center of our brain, is what has been described in many spiritual texts, the means through which we mentally and spiritually move between parallel planes, through what can often appear as a swirling tunnel of astral light, called a portal or gateway . . .


Thursday, March 21, 2024

Humility, Shedding the False Ego, and the True Path of Liberation

Humility, Shedding the False Ego, and the True Path of Liberation: Humility, Shedding the False Ego, and the True Path of Liberation › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

The reason most people never undergo the process of true transformation, is because it's extremely difficult and serves to change you in every way there is to be changed. Not as trying to achieve some goal you've set, or by focusing on an intention you've set for yourself in creating, which is how it's commonly portrayed, but in terms of forcing you to face and resolve every delusion you're built around yourself and the meaning of life. I'm writing about this, not from theory or a text book perspective, but from having gone through it myself and conveying what the experience was like . . .

Monday, March 18, 2024

How to Become Aware of Yourself through Your Reaction to Everything Else

How to Become Aware of Yourself through Your Reaction to Everything Else: How to Become Aware of Yourself through Your Reaction to Everything Else › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

The outer world and everyone in it is formed as a reflection of our own inner nature, and anytime we're triggered into a reaction of some kind, it directly correlates to a hidden part of our own psyche, called our 'shadow self', which is formed out of our repressed nature. This is natures way of allowing us to 'see into' the hidden aspects of our own psyche so we can bring them into the light of awareness and begin working to transform them using our higher power of realization, choice, and will . . .

Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Personal Growth

Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Personal Growth: Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Personal Growth › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings › Dr. Linda Gadbois

It can be difficult to really grasp how challenging situations, tragedies, and extreme hardships actually provide us with the basis for spiritual growth, but they're the only things that do. Many people think your "spiritual work" is separate from your daily life, when in fact, your daily is what provides you with the perfect means for growing yourself in new ways. We only "grow" when we're forced out of our comfort zone, where we're pushed to the end of our rope and are left not knowing where to go or what to do! I've had a very challenging life and it has provided me with the means for becoming who I am today, and this article is written from my experiences and how it was I used them to develop myself to a higher and more competent level of self-mastery . . .

Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Law of the Tetrad – How we Manifest and then Act to Evolve Our Own Manifestation

The Law of the Tetrad – How we Manifest and then Act to Evolve Our Own Manifestation: The Law of the Tetrad – How we Manifest and then Act to Evolve Our Own Manifestation › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

Sacred Geometry provides us with a philosophical science for understanding how universal laws operate in not only creating the phenomenal world as we know it, but also for understanding how our mind operates in forming, reforming, and evolving it to greater and greater levels of diversity and complexity. One of the greatest mysteries we all face comes in understanding how our own mind functions in creating what we experience as 'reality', and how we then use our own self-made reality as the means of experiencing ourselves through our own mental projection . . .

Monday, March 11, 2024

Exploring the Nature of Dreams – Lucid Dreaming, Higher Forms of Intuition, and the True Nature of Reality as a Mental Projection

Exploring the Nature of Dreams – Lucid Dreaming, Higher Forms of Intuition, and the True Nature of Reality as a Mental Projection: Exploring the Nature of Dreams – Lucid Dreaming, Higher Forms of Intuition, and the True Nature of Reality as a Mental Projection › Dr. Linda Gadbois

One of the ways we can gain a greater understanding of how our "mind projects our reality" is to explore the nature of 'dreaming'. Not just in the sense of nighttime dreams, which is a function of our subconscious mind, but also in terms of what's called 'lucid dreaming', which is where your conscious mind becomes aware within your dream and begins directing how it transpires and unfolds. Once we can gain a better understanding of 'how dreams are produced' by our mind, we can apply that knowledge to our waking life and come to understand how it is we're all 'projecting' our own experience of reality . . . .

Friday, March 8, 2024

We Only Cultivate Spiritual Powers through Live Experiences

We Only Cultivate Spiritual Powers through Live Experiences: We Only Cultivate Spiritual Powers through Live Experiences › Dr. Linda Gadbois ›

I've always found it strange how some people see their "spiritual work" as something they do independently of their daily life, as a special form of exercise, practice, or ritual, when, if we look closer at the true nature of reality, we can realize that we only ever "develop ourselves" by embodying new traits when we're in a live situation and pressed against the wall or forced out of our comfort zone. Spiritual development is exercised by how we respond to whatever is happening around us and is acting to stimulate different parts of our character into and active state of expression. We only truly "learn" by doing . . . .

How we Create Ourselves through our Life Experiences

How we Create Ourselves through our Life Experiences: How we Create Ourselves through our Life Experiences › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings ›

Some people find it difficult to understand how it is that in every moment, through every thought and natural or deliberate decision, we're acting to form our own reality, out of which we also form how we "experience" that reality by what we tell ourselves about it, while simultaneously shaping "ourselves" in relation with our own self-produced mental field. The "self", which is something "we create" through purely mental means, isn't our body and personality, it's the entire outer world which serves as the basis for "experiencing ourselves through our own mental projection". We're both the inner (body) and outer (reality in which the body lives) at the same time . . . we're the one creating, or should I say "co-creating" all of it . . .

Monday, March 4, 2024

How We can Actively Work in the World to Change and Evolve it to a Higher Level of Morality and Consciousness

How We can Actively Work in the World to Change and Evolve it to a Higher Level of Morality and Consciousness: How We can Actively Work in the World to Change and Evolve it to a Higher Level of Morality and Consciousness › Dr. Linda Gadbois ›

I got so riled up responding to replies that I ended up writing an article (laughing). This is a very important idea for us to really wrap our heads around right now, because the time is here, and collective action is of the essence if we are to participate in preventing our own moral demise and eventual extinction . . . 
#takingaction #worldinsanity #spiritualrevelution #savingmankind #savingyourself #goodvsevil #conqueringevil #beingaforceforgood

Quantum Entanglement and Wave Particle Duality – “A Scientific Understanding of the Relationship between Your Higher and Lower Self”

Quantum Entanglement and Wave Particle Duality – “A Scientific Understanding of the Relationship between Your Higher and Lower Self”: Quantum Entanglement and Wave Particle Duality – “A Scientific Understanding of the Relationship between Your Higher and Lower Self” › Dr. Linda Gadbois

My intention in writing this article is to help breed a practical understanding of the universal laws at work in determining how energetically entangled systems function as a single entity, and how wave-particle duality is a fundamental concept that can be known directly by simply observing the laws that govern our own mind-body system. It’s often the terminology used that’s only relevant to a specialized field of science (quantum physics), and the scientific concepts being used to illustrate and describe something that make them seem confusing, where they appear to lack practical application in the most basic sense. We can only use knowledge in our everyday life when we have a practical understanding of how it operates in terms of our own mind in forming our perception of reality. I’m going to illustrate the principles at work in this idea using the intuitive models and tools provided for us in Spiritual Sciences, which involve Sacred Geometry and the philosophical interpretation of mathematical concepts, coupled with universal archetypes inherent in the human psyche, and correlating principles represented in spiritual texts as numbers and letters, which are metaphorical in nature . . . 
#quantumphysics #spiritualsciences #esotericsciences #waveparticleduality #higherself #lowerself #universalprinciples