Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Power of Metaphor

Metaphors serve as an image, object or idea out of which a whole series of corresponding images and ideas can emerge that are of a similar nature or behavior. Metaphors are energetic patterns that lend themselves to storytelling. To interpret a situation or circumstances symbolically is to identify and become aware of its underlying nature through the qualities that it is comprised of.

Metaphors serve as principles that have energetic living patterns inherent within them that create order or structure in the form of behavior or function. If you take an object, say a yellow flower, cultivate a feeling of reverence, then observe the flower through that feeling state, become fully present within, giving it your full attention, the qualities and essential nature of the flower rise up in the imagination and a whole series of associated (like) thoughts spontaneously emerge out of it that are of the same nature, that have the same qualities being expressed in their “essential” make-up.

When we tell stories about our life, our circumstances, or the way things are, we are not acting to capture any real aspect of the situation in a neutral or factual manner, but rather indicating the spiritual forces being activated within us by the external stimulus that fashions stories of a similar nature. The stories we tell, about ourselves, our life, and the way things are, once awakened in us are expressed by calling them forth with the spoken word. We give them a meaningful foundation as a living concept that can be readily seen as a possible within a given situation.

All perception arises as a personal interpretation that has meaning through its symbolic correspondences. Our stories, how we make sense of things that give us a consistent type of experience, are like archetypal patterns that embody human characteristics as pathways of expression.

An archetype is a living pattern as an expression of a particular quality that has a “role” inherent within it and lends itself to a particular type of character that tells a universal story. Archetypes are metaphorical principles that excite, embody and express energy of a certain quality. Qualities can be perceived as feeling sensations that give rise to corresponding thoughts. Thoughts create conceptual patterns that have action inherent within them. In this way, qualities that exist within us as potential - once awakened - become living forces that fashion experiences of a similar nature as a form of expression that simultaneously defines our character, creates our identity and establishes fundamental patterns as habitual templates that can be acted out naturally from that point forward.

Linda Gadbois, Ph.D.(c) CCHt., RMT
Professional Educator, Trainer, Mentor and Consultant for Personal Transformation, Conscious Creation, Business Psychology and Creative Mind Development

State-of-Mind "The Ecology of Perception"

The primary basis for what we commonly call "Self-Empowerment” is first creating what will become the primary filter through which we form all fundamental perceptions. Our State-of-Mind or "mood" determine how we look at the world, and what we see as a result. So the primary skill you want to learn is the importance of choosing your state-of-mind and cultivating it intentionally.

Our state-of- mind is based on how the Mind/body are used in regards to Focus, Physiology and Meaning.. What we chose to focus on, what we are doing with our body, and the language we use to talk to ourselves that brings meaning to our perceptions. Moods, like attitudes are habitual states that we find ourselves in most often without being aware of the fact that we can change our state any time we want by simply changing what we are doing physically, what we are focused on and thinking about, and what words or metaphors we are using to give our focus a certain "type" of meaning.

By deciding what it is that we want, what our desired results or outcome is, and what state would naturally produce that, we can consciously chose how to look at it, what to tell ourselves about it, and how we can use our body in a productive manner to facilitate the mood we desire.

To alter your state:

Notice what you are focused on and how you're thinking about it.

What your physiology is like: sitting, slumped, pacing, standing.

And how you are using your internal dialogue to talk to yourself about it. What kind of language, metaphors and feeling interpretation are you using to give it meaning or tell a story about it.

Change any one of these, it automatically influences the others. If you intentionally change all three, your mood will change instantly.
Consciously choose the state that would be most effective for producing your desired outcome. Change your state, and tune into your internal experience, and stay focused on your desired outcome, and any time you notice a shift, readjust your state, and continue to apply yourself.

Linda Gadbois Ph.D.(c), CCHt., RMT
Doctor of Spiritual Sciences and Self-Actualization.
Professional Educator, Trainer, Mentor and Consultant for Creative Mind Development (using the power of your Mind), Personal Development, Soul Evolution, Conscious Creation (Mind over Matter) and Spiritual Development & Transformation.

Perceiving Higher Truth

Before we can receive knowledge of the spirit, we must develop certain inner qualities to a high degree. As with all fundamental perceptions we must begin by cultivating our fundamental state-of-mind through what we spiritually refer to as the “path of reverence”, of devotion to truth and knowledge. It is only when we have acquired this fundamental mood or attitude that the true essence of the underlying nature of everyday reality can reveal itself to us. Our mood or dominant attitude sets the pathway through which a series of correspondences naturally emerge. Our state-of-mind forms the fundamental lens through which we view all of life as corresponding perceptions.

The qualities that we “see” in others and our environment are based on the qualities that we have cultivated within ourselves that we use to activate and form resonance with in our environment. We only see our “self” in the external world. The only way we can see the true nature of any life form is by cultivating a loving state of mind that – then seeing only in them what warrants that feeling. What we see in our environment is what is in us. The same qualities that make up our true nature are the same ones that we “see” in everything else. They become the primary lens through which we look.

When we look through the “eyes of love” from the deepest recesses of our heart, thoughts of criticism or opposition are forbidden and fail to even arise. When we are filled with feelings of reverence, we create experiences of “awe” and wonder, as well as a deep curiosity that comes through a form of fascination. To be gifted with the potential for such feelings as a natural state, is a blessing.

We have been taught that we should feel reverence only when it is appropriate or warranted. Yet, it is appropriate in any situation when it flows from the depths of our heart. To truly be “at cause”, is to first cultivate and sustain the state that warrants and calls forth qualities of a like nature. We have the ability, through managing our own mind, to bring out certain qualities in everything we interact with or place our attention on.

We only find the inner strength to evolve to higher levels of consciousness when we first inwardly develop this profound feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, an ideal to aspire towards. We can lift ourselves to the heights of great knowledge when we allow ourselves to be guided by our hearts into the depths of veneration and devotion. When we fill ourselves with a higher feeling of love, then form a devotion only to what warrants those feelings, we begin living in a state of euphoria and true power. It is only when we have passed through the gates of humility that we can ascend to greater heights. In order to obtain higher knowledge, we must first respect it.

In Spiritual Science it is considered a fundamental law that every feeling of true devotion unfolded in the soul produces an inner strength or living force that leads to higher knowledge. In our culture at this particular time, it is important to give this point our complete attention – in this day and age we are more inclined to criticize, judge, and condemn than to feel love, acceptance, devotion and selfless reverence. We criticize far more than we respect or revere. Though criticism has somewhat served our physical and material progress, it has come through the loss of higher knowledge and the practice of spiritual life. We must never forget that higher knowledge has to do with revering truth and insight and not other people.

For those that are completely immersed in the superficial culture of our day may find it particularly difficult to work their way to the cognition of higher worlds. This is because in order to do so, you have to work energetically on upon yourself. In times of material obsession, spiritual progress is more illusive. In the age of criticism, ideals are degraded and raped of their significance. Reverence, awe, adoration and wonder are being replaced by other feelings and pushed into the background where they seldom go unnoticed. As a result, everyday life offers little opportunity for spiritual growth.

Anyone seeking higher knowledge must create these feelings inwardly by instilling them in the soul, programming them into the subconscious mind so that they become natural and automatic. This cannot be achieved through mere study; it must be done through living it. If we wish to become the students of higher power, we must train ourselves with great discipline in the mood of devotion. We must learn to seek in all things around us only the qualities that arouse feelings of admiration and respect.

When we first meet people and we criticize them for their weaknesses, we rob ourselves of higher cognitive powers. If we seek to criticize, we see only what warrants criticism, by stepping into that, we acquire weaknesses and in turn open ourselves to criticism. We gain strength as qualities only by looking for the good in everything while withholding criticism. By seeking only what’s admirable, we elicit those qualities in others, then step into them and apprehend qualities of an admirable nature. We strengthen our own constitution, while simultaneously strengthening others. To be empowered, is to simultaneously empower others.

In order for this practice to remain ours, it must take hold at the inner depths of our soul. The ability to develop and perfect and gradually transform ourselves lies in our own hands and must take place at our inner most depths. Just showing respect outwardly towards others is not enough, we must bring respect and devotion into our “thought life”. We must guard against any disrespectful, disparaging and criticizing thoughts. We must respect the power of our thoughts to shape the world around us. We must discipline ourselves to practice reverence and devotion to a higher ideal in all our thinking and feeling which will ultimately determine our behavior . . . at all times as a consistent way of being in the world.

Linda Gadbois, Ph.D.(c), CCHt., RMT
Professional Educator and Trainer in Spiritual Sciences and Creative Mind Development

Futility of Effort “The Magic of Allowing”

All spiritual laws exists as a form of dichotomy – as dual, opposing and complimentary – they provide a range of expression that has what I call a “fine line”. The fine line exists in our ability to conceive of them, especially in terms of practical application as a means of creating experiences by using them intentionally. We hold up an idea that seems contradictory to our life experiences, yet a part of us knows they are meaningful and that they hold within their seemingly illusive nature a kind of secret that if penetrated, would offer us tools to help demonstrate them with greater precision and accuracy. As we begin “thinking” about it, we realize that we can’t fully comprehend it conceptually, but instead must perceive it intuitively. The actual “workings” of it seem almost magical in the sense that we can watch it and witness its results, but we can’t really seem to actually explain it, or understand what it’s doing or how it’s doing it.

This is very true when it comes to ideas like the futility of effort, or how, by trying to figure out what we need, and what we need to do to make it happen, we literally push the real solutions further away from us, or find that they elude us completely. Part of this is due to the fact that whenever we try to “figure something out”, all we really have reference to is our past memories and experiences and when we bring them forward in an attempt to piece them together differently in trying to form a new idea and then develop a strategy for getting it because of imagining what we need but don’t have already, we look outside our self and take an attitude of going out and getting it. We try to find it first, and then apprehend it. We focus on and create a reality out of what’s missing, and then create experiences of it.
Even if we do find what matches our idea of what we need, regardless of what we expose ourselves to, it usually ends up mocking the past experiences that we referenced in an attempt to remodel that which originated the feelings of lack and emptiness that we now seek to fill. They simply recreate the same type of experiences that cause us to feel the same way. Because our idea emerged as an expression of absence and past ideas that would “fill” that absence, we simply create more of what leaves us feeling empty and wanting.
When we simply accept our situation just as it is, settle into it and focus our attention on what we have and love and then engage in “doing” that, we naturally create an experience of fulfillment. We open and allow things that will give us that type of “feeling experience” to come into our life. It does this in a seemingly magical way because it takes no effort what-so-ever on our part. Yet part of the significance lies in the fact that whatever “state-of-mind” we inhabit, determines not only what we attract, but more importantly what we are able to see as a result. All we have to do is notice what is already there, turn and begin interacting with it and allow it to emerge as a natural experience that takes on a life of its own. When we do this we realize that it is not a repeated pattern of the past that will create more emptiness . . . . but rather a brand new idea that attracted to us because we created a state of giving our full attention to what we love and what was present with us in the moment. Because of this, it creates immediately in such a way that causes more of the same feelings . . . love and fulfillment.
To accept is to quit resisting. To quit resisting is to divert your attention away from what is missing and onto what is present. When we fail to accept things in our life as they are, we imagine the need to change them. By perceiving this lack and then thinking about filling it with something out there, it causes us to not be present with what is. Our only true creative ability lies in what is present with us in every moment. The feeling that we allow to inhabit us becomes the motivating force that hooked up with the concept of “lack” and creates experiences that express lack. This is a fundamental understanding of the Law: Like begets like. Feelings have whole patterns inherent within them that structure our experiences to create more of the same feeling . . . they are living forces that are “self” generating.
When we feel empty or lonely and we experience a kind of emotional overwhelm that causes desperation to rise up within us. This feeling of desperation becomes the ‘controlling idea”, which is the true creative power that motivates the intention that becomes expressed. Whatever we express, we first create and then experience our own creation. Desperation sets us on a quest than when fulfilled causes more feelings of desperation. When we engage in activities that we love doing and in turn cause us to feel content and stay present (don’t go out looking), we create experiences that cause us to feel love and contentment.
In my own experience, after going through periods of intense loneliness, while knowing better than to go out and try to find or intentionally engage in relationships to satisfy the loneliness, nothing ever seemed to come into my life. I began wondering and imagining all sorts of things, and began contemplating the reality of spending the rest of my life alone. When I did consider a couple of possibilities, I realized that they would have been more of what I experienced in the past that had caused me to feel painfully alone. So I passed on them, instead of engaging. I then fully accepted being alone, and decided to get on with my life and quit thinking about it.
Then, on an ordinary day, in an unexpected moment, I inadvertently ended up in a casual conversation with a man, that slowly began consuming me with a deep interest and feelings of fulfillment. I realized at first, that I loved talking to him, so I not only continued, but began looking forward to it. Within a very short period of time, I felt completely swept off my feet with how I felt inside as we came to know each other. How it happened and with whom it happened would have never even dawned on me had I tried to figure it out and then engaged in the activity of trying to make it happen. At no point in the whole process was ‘trying” involved. Everything about it was spontaneous and natural.
It’s the feeling that we have that motivates our desire that creates the action, which ultimately shapes the lesson by creating an experience that gives us more of that same feeling. We have to pay great attention to what is motivating our desires. We have a tendency to quest after things that are right next to us, waiting to be known. To understand attraction in its fundamental form is to realize that all desire has a multiple range for possible expression all of which exist in our immediate experience. The state that we are in at any given time, determines what we see and how we interpret it. All we really have to do, for the most part, is relax, focus on what we have, what we love doing, engage in doing it, and be willing to not only notice what shows up in our immediate experience, but be willing to turn around and start talking to it. Experiences are only possible through a two way interaction. The spark ignites the fire that warms our heart as it dances softly before us. With adoration and admiration in our heart and mind, we simply behold it and in the next moment we realize . . . we are it.
To truly attract is when we recognize in the feeling state of our environment that not only does like beget like but that we only perceive that which is like us. If we create out of our feelings of love, fulfillment and inner peace, we only notice what warrants those same qualities in others, and by being present with them, they become a shared experience and lead to the engagement of co-creating more of the same feelings. In the ultimate sense . . . all of life emerges as an expression of a feeling state.

Linda Gadbois, Ph.D.(c), CCHt., RMT
Editor: Ralph Score, "Media Wizard"

Emotions “The Chemistry of Experience”

We have to always keep in mind that the body is one of the most sophisticated chemistry labs known. This is largely due to the fact that as humans, we experience complex emotions that are not only due to instinctual responses to our environment, but are also largely self-induced through our thinking and how we perceive things to give them meaning.

Because chemicals alter the state of the organism, which greatly influences our thinking, we form habitual thinking patterns that are naturally associated with our emotions. Because of this, we not only become addicted to certain emotions, but then attached the same type of thoughts as a way of interpreting and forming fundamental perceptions that become habitual also. Our dominant emotional state forms our basic attitude. Our attitude shapes our approach. Our approach determines the perspective we take and from what position we look at things. Our predisposition shapes the type of experiences we have into a consistent theme that forms a predominant meaning . . . that says ‘this is the way life is”.

What shapes the experiences we have is not the emotion itself, but the type of thoughts we attach to it that creates a concept of a possible reality that gives it meaning. The meaning becomes the moral of the story that spontaneously emerges as a natural expression. The meaning shapes and produces the experience that expresses it through a story that we first tell ourselves, then we literally call forth by telling others. We first run it through our imagination, composing it as a potential reality which serves to program the subconscious with a live experience, which it then automatically produces as a form of correspondence (like begets like). The experience may not be exactly as we had imagined it, but it will ultimately result in the same idea that will induce the same emotional state.

The reason that we can say that everything that has ever been “created or invented” began in the imagination, is because the imagination is where common elements of an inspired idea are brought together and composed in such a way that they form a believable experience. It is how we first structure then preview potential realities. Once we form a belief around an emotional concept, we have a blueprint, or kind of template for producing it. We create experiences of it, that serves to express it. We move it from the inside as our personal creation, to the outside as a perceivable experience of our self.

Because emotions cause motion, are motivating, they tend to run the system randomly until we learn how to not only create them, but direct them with our thoughts and how we use our body. When we learn how to begin cultivating them intentionally and calling them forth at will, we can begin using them as the powerful expressive tool that they really are. The emotion that we use to communicate not only to our self (internal dialogue), but also in communicating with others, is what determines the reaction we produce which is of a similar nature. Our emotional expression triggers the same emotions in other. Once we understand this, we can learn to use them as powerful creative tools with a sense of intention and purpose.

To learn how to first cultivate then direct our emotions using them intentionally is one of the most valuable skills we can learn. Nothing else will produce as drastic a shift in your own life, as well as your skill in communicating with others, than this alone.

Linda Gadbois, Ph.D.(c) CCHt., RMT

Attracting Love "The Nature of Dynamic Interactions"

There are many formulas out there for "how to" attract what you want whether it be in love, life, business or money. But the fact of the matter is we attract based on who and what we are. To attract something different we have to become different ourselves.

Who we are is comprised of a "self-concept" that forms our model of the world, the way things are and how we exist in relationship & contrast to it. This model of our self is equivalent to an energetic matrix of archetypal energies that vibrate at certain frequencies that produce qualities as human characteristics. This vibratory pattern is our attractive ability. We attract to us, that which is "like" us, of the same quality vibration. In this, we enter into relationship with those who have "scripts" in our movie. We attract our leading man / lady, who become our co-star and we create a story that serves both people.

The confusion can be around what we mean when we say "like". Like begets like in the sense of opposite polarity in a single force. We attract our opposite of the same dynamic. It's the interaction that stimulates and brings out certain qualities in both people that then form the primary theme of the relationship. Therefore, those who have abandonment issues, attract the perfect partner whose behavior can readily be interpreted to create the illusion of abandonment. Someone who is used to being ignored will attract a mate who behaves in such a way that they feel ignored. We mimic all aspects of dynamic interactive patterns that we were conditioned with as children.

In order for this to change, we have to become aware of our own tendencies, how we interpret certain behavior to tell the same type story "about" ourselves, and consciously chose to tell a different story. We have to engage in actively shifting our identity so that we alter the feeling qualities that we co-create with, and use as a beacon to attract ideal people to us. Our identity is the core out of which all our stories emerge as a form of self-expression. We create reality based on what we believe to be true about our self, others and the world at large.

Just as we have to "become" the change we desire, we have to become the person we desire to attract. In order to have a healthier relationship, we have to be willing to give up our "old stories" and embrace the courage it takes to write a new song! Then we attract to us the ideal mate to co-create a new reality!

Create an "ideal" of yourself (higher version) aspire towards it and consistently embody the qualities to actualize as your highest possibility, and you will attract those who are ideal to facilitate your unfolding. Relationships are the most significant growth tools we have. It is only in relationship that we can come to understand who we are, what our tendencies are, and begin to make conscious choices to become the kind of person we aspire towards.


Relationships are always reflecting back to us what we can't see on our own. Like "always" begets like.

We attract to us those of the same quality.

What we see in others are our own qualities that we first project, then recognize, point out and interact with.

Qualities that are NOT of the same nature . . . . we don't even notice, nothing becomes activated inside of us. We fail to even recognize them. We only recognize aspects of ourselves in others as well as in our environment.

All perception is ultimately "self" perception.
To attract it . . . . you have to "BE" it.

Linda Gadbois Ph.D.(c), CCHt., RMT
Professional Educator, Trainer, Mentor and Consultant for Creative Mind Development, Personal Transformations, Conscious Creation and Spiritual Technology.

Creating Reality: “Creating Desired Outcomes or Manifesting Goals"

In order to create in present, we do not need to go back and rehash the past by trying to figure out how it has caused the present. Nor do we need to endlessly revisit mistakes in an attempt to correct them. All we have to do is form a well-defined idea around what we desire, hold it in our imagination creating it as an actual experience, and then stay focused on it in each moment as we go about our ordinary day. All creative ability exists only in the present moment. Stay in the moment and quit reliving the past or endlessly trying to predict the future. The future is created based on how we are living in the moment. When the conscious mind is “checked out” and endlessly dwelling in time, not present, the subconscious mind runs the whole system. The only function of the subconscious is to maintain existing behavior which it does by repeating past patterns over and over.

It is a waste of time to keep going back into your past in order to find answers as to why you are getting what you’re getting currently. All experience when processed and fully integrated into the system becomes experienced as feelings. All you have to do in any moment is hold what you desire in your mind, then pay full attention to your feelings. If you are feeling good, move in that direction or continue with what you are doing. If it feels bad, stop and reevaluate. Feelings intended to guide us, can also be understood in terms of notions, hunches or impressions.

The question also becomes, how do we accurately identify our feeling states? In order to create a desired outcome or situation, we have to create a “model” of it to use as a pattern that is of a believable nature. This pattern serves to align the conscious thinking mind with the subconscious experiential mind. The way to align both minds is through the creative imagination. When we take a desired idea, hold it in our mind and imagine it as an actual experience, as if we are living it, it not only creates a kind of “map” for living it, but also programs the subconscious mind with an experience of it which makes it believable. All things have to be believable in order to be created. As we create a believable reality around an inspired idea, we create it as a feeling. We feel the experience of it in our bodies as we’re having (imagining) it. This feeling is what allows us to truly identify the associated components of our desired reality as being of a similar nature when we encounter them in our everyday life or simply find ourselves “living them” in the real world. By tuning into how we are feeling at all times, helps us to identify the true nature of things, regardless of outer appearances.

This is what it means when we say that the mind doesn’t know the difference between an actual experience and an imagined one. The creative imagination serves to take a desired experience and through embellishing it with sensory information develops it into a believable and livable reality. This also simultaneously helps you to identify any “conflicting” beliefs that may act as a form of self-sabotage that contradict and cancels out the desired effect. We can only truly imagine what we believe to be possible. All visions, in order to be made real, must be of a believable nature. This is why most processes are best approached in “baby steps” or progressive increments as “small chunks” that evolve us steadily towards a higher and larger idea.

If we further look at the subconscious mind as being connected to the greater mind, or see it as the instinctual mind that is connected to, and apart of all of nature in general, we can gain an understanding of how, by programming the subconscious mind, we are also sending out a request to the instinctual mind which acts to organize things in our environment that ideally serve to fulfill our desired request as a particular “type” of experience. This is the fundamental idea behind the Law of Attraction, or aligning our personal will with the greater will. In doing this, we only attract those of a like nature and create experience as a cooperative effort that serve all involved in accordance with their desires in the most beneficial way possible. By beneficial, I mean most closely aligned to their desires as made possible by the desires of those they are co-creating with. In this way, fulfillment usually comes more as an analogy, living metaphor or in a symbolic way.

So by creating the vision as a living experience thereby setting an intention for it, then tuning into how we are feeling in every moment as we walk through our day, helps us to recognize what has the potential for our desired experience by how we feel when we come into direct contact with it. When it is in our environment, it activates that same feeling inside of us. This is important, because many times the answers to our prayers do not come in the form we have imagined they will, and it is easy to dismiss them or completely overlook them when they are standing right in front of us. By tuning into the feeling we can recognize the essential nature as pure possibility in any given moment. In the ultimate scheme of things . . . it’s all about feelings. It’s the basis out of which everything emerges as a natural correspondence.

Linda Gadbois, Ph.D.(c), CCHt., RMT