Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Creating Reality: “Creating Desired Outcomes or Manifesting Goals"

In order to create in present, we do not need to go back and rehash the past by trying to figure out how it has caused the present. Nor do we need to endlessly revisit mistakes in an attempt to correct them. All we have to do is form a well-defined idea around what we desire, hold it in our imagination creating it as an actual experience, and then stay focused on it in each moment as we go about our ordinary day. All creative ability exists only in the present moment. Stay in the moment and quit reliving the past or endlessly trying to predict the future. The future is created based on how we are living in the moment. When the conscious mind is “checked out” and endlessly dwelling in time, not present, the subconscious mind runs the whole system. The only function of the subconscious is to maintain existing behavior which it does by repeating past patterns over and over.

It is a waste of time to keep going back into your past in order to find answers as to why you are getting what you’re getting currently. All experience when processed and fully integrated into the system becomes experienced as feelings. All you have to do in any moment is hold what you desire in your mind, then pay full attention to your feelings. If you are feeling good, move in that direction or continue with what you are doing. If it feels bad, stop and reevaluate. Feelings intended to guide us, can also be understood in terms of notions, hunches or impressions.

The question also becomes, how do we accurately identify our feeling states? In order to create a desired outcome or situation, we have to create a “model” of it to use as a pattern that is of a believable nature. This pattern serves to align the conscious thinking mind with the subconscious experiential mind. The way to align both minds is through the creative imagination. When we take a desired idea, hold it in our mind and imagine it as an actual experience, as if we are living it, it not only creates a kind of “map” for living it, but also programs the subconscious mind with an experience of it which makes it believable. All things have to be believable in order to be created. As we create a believable reality around an inspired idea, we create it as a feeling. We feel the experience of it in our bodies as we’re having (imagining) it. This feeling is what allows us to truly identify the associated components of our desired reality as being of a similar nature when we encounter them in our everyday life or simply find ourselves “living them” in the real world. By tuning into how we are feeling at all times, helps us to identify the true nature of things, regardless of outer appearances.

This is what it means when we say that the mind doesn’t know the difference between an actual experience and an imagined one. The creative imagination serves to take a desired experience and through embellishing it with sensory information develops it into a believable and livable reality. This also simultaneously helps you to identify any “conflicting” beliefs that may act as a form of self-sabotage that contradict and cancels out the desired effect. We can only truly imagine what we believe to be possible. All visions, in order to be made real, must be of a believable nature. This is why most processes are best approached in “baby steps” or progressive increments as “small chunks” that evolve us steadily towards a higher and larger idea.

If we further look at the subconscious mind as being connected to the greater mind, or see it as the instinctual mind that is connected to, and apart of all of nature in general, we can gain an understanding of how, by programming the subconscious mind, we are also sending out a request to the instinctual mind which acts to organize things in our environment that ideally serve to fulfill our desired request as a particular “type” of experience. This is the fundamental idea behind the Law of Attraction, or aligning our personal will with the greater will. In doing this, we only attract those of a like nature and create experience as a cooperative effort that serve all involved in accordance with their desires in the most beneficial way possible. By beneficial, I mean most closely aligned to their desires as made possible by the desires of those they are co-creating with. In this way, fulfillment usually comes more as an analogy, living metaphor or in a symbolic way.

So by creating the vision as a living experience thereby setting an intention for it, then tuning into how we are feeling in every moment as we walk through our day, helps us to recognize what has the potential for our desired experience by how we feel when we come into direct contact with it. When it is in our environment, it activates that same feeling inside of us. This is important, because many times the answers to our prayers do not come in the form we have imagined they will, and it is easy to dismiss them or completely overlook them when they are standing right in front of us. By tuning into the feeling we can recognize the essential nature as pure possibility in any given moment. In the ultimate scheme of things . . . it’s all about feelings. It’s the basis out of which everything emerges as a natural correspondence.

Linda Gadbois, Ph.D.(c), CCHt., RMT

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