Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Essence of Expression

The Essence of Expression

"All great discoveries are made by those whose feelings run ahead of their thinking." CH Parkhurst

Expression, like various forms of creativity can be used positively- to uplift, instruct, inspire, bring beauty into the world- or negatively - to belittle, demoralize, tear down and even destroy. Expression takes many forms whether it's the spoken language, body language, a sermon, acting out in a state of emotional drama, any time an individual is active, or doing something, they are "expressing" themselves.
Humans express themselves every moment, through every feeling, thought, word, or the attitude they walk through life with, with the metaphors they use, what they reference as examples, the story they tell about things, about themselves . . every form of "action" is creative. Bringing an internal state into an external reality of some sort. All we are capable of doing is projecting our "self" onto our environment. Every thought, meaning, and perception is experience "through us" as us. Our models serve as filters used to perceive the world as something specific.
This day and age, the "age of communication" we have lost the art of "performing ideas" - transmitting information by developing skill at expressing it. Yet, it is the emotional quality of the information that provokes action, that motivates us to do something, to act based on the "feeling quality" of the information we have been given. This is the true art of "inspiring" people. To inspire is to take a standard goal or desired outcome, and perform it in a way that engages people emotionally in personally identifying with the goal in a way that compels them towards it, creating a desire in them to "do" something to make it come true. To act in a fashion that supports and creates a physical reality motivated by the "feeling quality" of the idea as it was communicated. We all seek to be apart of something that is greater than ourselves. The greater the emotional quality of the expression, the more clearly we relate to being apart of what's being expressed. If, by relating to it, I feel . . . "courageous, powerful, able to serve, compassionate, caring, sexy, valuable" etc. - whatever the feeling, if it feels good, it will attract people who have that "desire" inside of them that is being provoked into reality by the emotional quality of my communication- which creates a path for expression. All great artist, communicators and leaders understand this.
To be a great artist, a great leader, you must stir people's desire, touch them inside with emotions that compel them into action. Not because they should or it's the right thing to do . . . but because they must! Creating and transferring emotion, creates a powerful desire to do something as a result of your performance. By activating the right "state of mind" you can not only influence people towards a common goal, but bring out peoples magnificence in the process. When people feel moved by something, usually the best part of them, the part that is passionate comes forth and becomes more apparent. This passionate "presence" is what performs the action. When people act out of passion, they own and harness their personal power to self actualize. When you have the ability to trigger this response in people intentionally you literally bring out the genius in common people, at will. What you see in them, they see in themselves. What we reflect we are projecting. When we become invested in the fun of exercising our power to bring out the best in other people, we simultaneously experience the best in ourselves. To empower others, is to experience yourself as powerful. In order to express it, you have to have it.
To bring beauty into the world by expressing it, is to become a conduit for attracting it, a channel through which beauty can flow. Focusing your mind on drawing beauty to you, filling yourself up with it to the point of exploding into existence - you become the living, breathing expression of beauty. Your cup runneth over. It becomes your experience, your common every day reality! You are, by virtue of your nature . . . beautiful.
Commit to expressing it (purpose) and you will attract it (identity) when you receive it, you will have it to give (path) . . . . thus you will "become" the living embodiment of that which you are! :) :0
Feel it . . . . Think it . . . say it . . . . make it real!

Do it NOW!!
Linda Gadbois, Ph.D.(c) CHT, RMT

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