How to See Something Different - “Cultivating your Quality of Attention”
What we see or how we see it is based on the state-of-mind or the quality of attention that we use as a means of perceiving. Whatever quality (feeling) I use (state) activates and brings to the surface those same qualities in whatever object I observe. The Law of Resonance demonstrates that whatever living force is active within me, serves to activate that same force in whatever I come into contact with. By “contact” I mean “near proximity” to. If I walk into a room or come within several feet of some other living being, subliminally I will activate the same qualities in them, detect them and move towards them. This is the primary form of “Attraction” that can also be thought of as the "Law of Resonance".
We are always influencing and manipulating other living forces around us, it is only a question of whether or not we do it consciously, with a sense of awareness and intent, or if we do it unconsciously, haphazardly and with no sense of responsibility. Energy is always interacting with other forms of energy. Because it is Subtle, we sense it and our conscious mind is influenced by it, but we never create awareness around it.
When we embody different qualities, we see those potential qualities in everything that we look at. If I have a feeling of dislike and I look at someone, all I seem to notice is what it is about them that I don’t like. I then serve to stimulate those qualities in them by how I look at and treat them, bringing them to the surface where I then interact with them. As I interact with those qualities, I reinforce the same ones in me and I become “like” them. On the other hand, if I cultivate feelings of admiration and respect, then the qualities that warrant admiration and respect is what I see in others. This again, stimulates those qualities bringing them to the surface which arouses them in me at the same time, and I interact with them, strengthening them in both of us simultaneously.
This is how we have a natural influence on others and bring out certain aspects of their potential to be expressed and therefore strengthened. The same qualities that I first embody and use to perceive the world, I activate, interact with and act on those traits within myself. I first project aspects of myself onto others, and then by acting on them, I become them. The more we bring certain qualities into expression the more we identify with those qualities. What we identify with, defines us. It serves to shape our character. We become those qualities, become proficient at expressing ourselves through them and they become familiar, comfortable and automatic. They become a natural part of us.
The best way to see something different is to first exercise your power of choice and select the mood you want to create as a lens to view the world. Use your will to discipline your wandering mind to fulfill an intended state, and then walk through the day creating and expressing a higher version of yourself while simultaneously activating it in everyone around you. This is one of the most fundamental forms of intentional self development. We decide what traits and characteristics we want to strengthen and actualize within us, we then cultivate those intentionally, perceive and project them, arouse them in others, which arouses them in us by creating a dynamic interaction as a thematic reality, and we experience ourselves as those qualities . . . . as “Being” admirable, adorable, compassionate, loving, etc.
Linda Gadbois , Ph.D.(c) CCHT., RMT
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