Thursday, May 16, 2024

Understanding the Nature of Emotions and How We Create Reality Out of Unconscious States

Understanding the Nature of Emotions and How We Create Reality Out of Unconscious States: Understanding the Nature of Emotions and How We Create Reality Out of Unconscious States › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

One of the most difficult things most of us are faced with, is learning how to control our own emotions. When we experience an emotional charge, it renders us unconscious in the most basic sense, causing an immediate reaction that comes without thinking or realizing what we're doing. People who are very emotional, tend to live out of constant dramas and delusions, allowing their thoughts to be run by their emotions, where they create their life out of a primarily unconscious state. The first step to self mastery comes in learning what emotions are, how to control them mentally, the natural relationship that exists between thoughts and emotions, and how to use your thoughts to generate correlating emotions intentionally . . .

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