Tuesday, May 28, 2024

How We can Actively Work in the World to Change and Evolve it to a Higher Level of Morality and Consciousness

How We can Actively Work in the World to Change and Evolve it to a Higher Level of Morality and Consciousness: How We can Actively Work in the World to Change and Evolve it to a Higher Level of Morality and Consciousness › Dr. Linda Gadbois

What we're all being challenged with right now is in becoming more self-aware, capable, and stepping into our power to create ourselves in a much more meaningful manner. Probably the greatest conspiracy ever set in motion was teaching and conditioning us that our own mind is not powerful in the most basic sense of taking control of our own thoughts and emotions, and using our will in being able to direct the course of our own destiny in becoming self-made, and self-sufficient. We are each powerful in our own right and we're all "self-made" in the most basic sense of the idea, we simply have to realize it and begin utilizing our higher mind to willfully create . . .

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