Friday, May 10, 2024

Auto-Suggestion & Affirmations – The Secret to Programming your Own Subconscious Mind

Auto-Suggestion & Affirmations – The Secret to Programming your Own Subconscious Mind: Auto-Suggestion & Affirmations – The Secret to Programming your Own Subconscious Mind › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings


 Auto-suggestion and affirmations are similar in the sense that they work out of the same principles and serve as a form of self-guided meditation and subliminal conditioning. Our Higher Soul is the part of us that operates both aspects of the conscious and subconscious mind as a means of both self-creating and creating our perception of the outer world. Like all natural forces and entities in the universe, the mind is dual in nature and has both masculine (conscious) and feminine (subconscious) aspects that work together in a harmonious way to create itself, others, and the world at large, all of which result from a basic form of projection as self-perception . . .



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