Wednesday, January 17, 2024

What is Our Higher Self, and how do We Connect with It?

What is Our Higher Self, and how do We Connect with It?: What is Our Higher Self, and how do We Connect with It? › Dr. Linda Gadbois ›

This idea can be a bit confusing to understand in the practical sense, because different spiritual systems present it differently by using different archetypes and allegories, while the “relationship” itself that’s being exemplified is basically the same. The most basic principle there is in regards to describing our spiritual nature, is the universal Law of the Triad, or the three-in-one law, also referred to as the Trinity, and the threefold nature of the mind and soul. This is a Universal Principle because it’s “fundamental” in creating reality and acts as the seed or kernel out of which all other laws have their nativity, and it’s the initiating power that underlies all of reality that’s represented symbolically through cultural symbols and metaphors in every culture on Earth . . . 

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Path of Self-Mastery and the Process of Transformation to a Higher Level of Consciousness

The Path of Self-Mastery and the Process of Transformation to a Higher Level of Consciousness: The Path of Self-Mastery and the Process of Transformation to a Higher Level of Consciousness › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

Personal Transformation is a process that only we can conduct ourselves by learning how to use the higher capacities of our mind to bring our own lower nature under our control, while also using our higher mind to form the "seed" of transformation that we inject into our own subconscious, which will grow and gestate it into fruition . . . 

Friday, January 12, 2024

Self-Mastery: How to Master your Emotions and the Delusions they Create

Self-Mastery: How to Master your Emotions and the Delusions they Create: Self-Mastery: How to Master your Emotions and the Delusions they Create › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

The most basic step to attaining any form of self-mastery comes by learning how to use your higher mind to bring your lower mind under your control. Our emotions act to trigger automatic reactions in us, and all automatic processes and modes of behavior result from our conditioning, where we repeat the same behavioral patterns over and over as a means of remaining trapped in our own mental delusions . . . 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Mastering Your Will to Accomplish Goals – Thought, Desire, Imagination, and Action

Mastering Your Will to Accomplish Goals – Thought, Desire, Imagination, and Action: Mastering Your Will to Accomplish Goals – Thought, Desire, Imagination, and Action › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

There's an art to using your mind to form "reality orientated goals" that you can accomplish with very little "effort" in the sense of having to try really hard to make them come true. Our mind, which is dual in nature, is designed for creating, but we have to know how to use it proficiently in order to become the master of our own life experiences . . .

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Dr. Phillip Buckhaults Testifies on the DNA Contamination Found in mRNA ...

Mastering Your Will to Accomplish Goals – Thought, Desire, Imagination, and Action

Mastering Your Will to Accomplish Goals – Thought, Desire, Imagination, and Action: Mastering Your Will to Accomplish Goals – Thought, Desire, Imagination, and Action › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

In order to become a powerful and effective creator within your own life, you have to not only form an understanding of how your mind works through complementary aspects, but also how to use it in a practical and deliberate manner. One of the hardest things there are for people to master is overcoming their own habitual thoughts and redundant emotional dramas born our of memories that play out over and over in their mind as a normal way of thinking and perceiving the world. Self-discipline, in the most basic sense, is the key to learning how to exercise your higher will in being able to create by controlling your own mind's tendency to wander aimlessly and set the future in motion by dwelling in the past . . . 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Creating a Well-Formed Outcome: “How to Make Smart Goals even Smarter”

Creating a Well-Formed Outcome: “How to Make Smart Goals even Smarter”: Creating a Well-Formed Outcome: “How to Make Smart Goals even Smarter” › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

There’s an art to setting goals that will make them much more achievable, called “SMART goals”. SMART is an acronym for making goals more Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. Goals that are developed mentally as a sensory experience of the outcome you want to accomplish, are far more successful and take less time to accomplish. Some say a goal isn’t really a goal until it’s written down and set in stone, so to speak, but if we take this idea a step further by forming goals into sensory rich experiences that elicit positive emotions, we can achieve them with far less effort and in a shorter amount of time . . .