Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Memory, DNA, and the Subconscious Mind – Taking Control of Your Mind and Creating Yourself in a Deliberate Manner

Memory, DNA, and the Subconscious Mind – Taking Control of Your Mind and Creating Yourself in a Deliberate Manner: All living organisms operate out of the same basic group of principles represented in Sacred Geometry by the numbers 0 through 9. DNA operates out of the same principles as... #mindovermatter #transformation #DNA #subconscious #mind #selfcreation #soul

Friday, May 24, 2019

Understanding the Psychological Basis of our Spiritual Quest

Understanding the Psychological Basis of our Spiritual Quest: One of the most fundamental truths that we need to honestly comprehend in order to learn how to consciously create our self and our life, is in realizing the true relationship between the mind and body. While there’s a fundamental misconception that... #consciousness #creatingreality #howwecreate

Realizing your True Higher Purpose

Realizing your True Higher Purpose: There are very few things that give our life more meaning and provide us with natural motivation as a kind of passion and devotion than realizing what our true purpose in life is. While we may have several purposes in the general sense of life... #creatingyourself #destiny #Higherself