Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Fundamental Unity of the Macrocosm and Microcosm, the True Nature of “Oneness”, and Our Origin as Celestial Beings

The Fundamental Unity of the Macrocosm and Microcosm, the True Nature of “Oneness”, and Our Origin as Celestial Beings: The Fundamental Unity of the Macrocosm and Microcosm, the True Nature of “Oneness”, and Our Origin as Celestial Beings › Dr. Linda Gadbois

We’re often told in various spiritual doctrine that man exists as a microcosm formed as a reflection of the macrocosm, that the entire macrocosm exists in the nature of man, and that the Cosmos can be known intimately by observing and coming to understand our own inner nature. This is because the same universal principles as a self-organizing process are at work in both, only on different scales and magnitudes. In order to understand what this means in the practical sense we have to build a new model for understanding it that will allow us to see it in a new and more implicit way . . . 

Spiritual Sciences – Originality, Individuality, and Personal Interpretations of Universal Concepts

Spiritual Sciences – Originality, Individuality, and Personal Interpretations of Universal Concepts: Spiritual Sciences – Originality, Individuality, and Personal Interpretations of Universal Concepts › Dr. Linda Gadbois

One of the biggest hindrances spiritual sciences has in being considered an established philosophy, scientific discipline, or religion comes in the fact that it’s always based on originality and creativity, and never on dogma or a single interpretation. There’s no right way of seeing something as opposed to a wrong way, there’s no true or false answers, and there’s no such thing as a ‘fact’ in the general sense of an idea being true for everyone equally. All truth is individual in nature and only comes as a realization, inspiration, or conclusion drawn by an individual at a particular point in their own growth and evolution . . . 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Becoming Aware of Our Formative Conditioning and Transcending Our Lower Nature in Becoming a Sovereign Being

Becoming Aware of Our Formative Conditioning and Transcending Our Lower Nature in Becoming a Sovereign Being: Becoming Aware of Our Formative Conditioning and Transcending Our Lower Nature in Becoming a Sovereign Being › Dr. Linda Gadbois

We tend to use terms like "higher and lower" self or nature, without ever really understanding what they mean in terms of our everyday experience. We all "become" who we are initially through our childhood conditioning and the role we played in our family dynamic, which forms the basis for our "issues" and psychological complexes, that we then build our identity out of and play out in an unconscious manner throughout our adult life, usually without ever realizing that we're the one who actually created our own mental model and way of perceiving and processing things to give them meaning, and also have the ability to transform our own mental programming and take over the process of "creating ourselves" in a fully conscious manner . . . 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Examining the Nature of Emotions and How to Work with Them in a Beneficial Manner

Examining the Nature of Emotions and How to Work with Them in a Beneficial Manner: Examining the Nature of Emotions and How to Work with Them in a Beneficial Manner › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

Emotions are probably the hardest aspect of our being to work with in an intelligible manner because they're so electrifying and send us into an unconscious reactive state, where we build whole realities out of them, that we then live out of as though they're true and real. Yet, if we form a practical understanding of how emotions work as the motivating force that prompts instinctual behaviors, we can not only bring them under our control, but we can also learn how to use them as tools for becoming a much more effective communicator . . . 

Monday, September 25, 2023

How Karma Provides Us with the Basis for Learning Life Lessons, Healing, and Self-Administering Our own Spiritual Evolution

How Karma Provides Us with the Basis for Learning Life Lessons, Healing, and Self-Administering Our own Spiritual Evolution: How Karma Provides Us with the Basis for Learning Life Lessons, Healing, and Self-Administering Our own Spiritual Evolution › Dr. Linda Gadbois

While the Law of Karma can be interpreted several ways, based on who’s interpreting it and their level of spiritual knowledge regarding the universal laws that all life faithfully operates according to, the most basic way of looking at it in the practical sense is as the Law of Cause and Effect. Every action, no matter how great or small, produces an equal or greater reaction as a direct correspondence. This means the effect produced is of a similar nature and idea as what caused it. You can determine the cause of something by studying the effect it served to produce, because they’re always of the same nature. All life functions through rudimentary patterns that are whole ideas. An action of any kind is a form of expression that sets a whole pattern in motion, where whatever we ‘put out’, either immediately or eventually returns to us, where we experience it as ‘happening to us’ by another or through a set of what appears to be natural circumstances . . .

Karma, Life Design, and the Holographic Principle of Destiny

Karma, Life Design, and the Holographic Principle of Destiny: Karma, Life Design, and the Holographic Principle of Destiny › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

People have a different way of looking at "karma" and how it shapes our experiences of life, yet if we look at this idea from the perspective of universal laws, where everything occurs naturally based on it's innate design and inner character, we can realize that all of our life experiences emerge naturally out of our "nature" based on how we're being stimulated by our life circumstances and situation at any given moment. We're all born into this world with what you might call a "life design" that transpires naturally out of our emotions, feelings, thoughts, and the decisions we make on a moment by moment basis in what seems like an automatic manner. This process only seems elusive or abstract because it's so incredibly dynamic and diverse, and like the mind that's creating our perception of reality, it's dual in nature, and seems to transpire in both an unconscious and conscious manner . . . 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Creative Power of the Imagination – Free Choice, Will, and the Nature of Memory

The Creative Power of the Imagination – Free Choice, Will, and the Nature of Memory: The Creative Power of the Imagination – Free Choice, Will, and the Nature of Memory › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings