Friday, February 28, 2025

Energetic Entanglement – Relationships that Span Multiple Dimensions

Energetic Entanglement – Relationships that Span Multiple Dimensions

 Defining the Relationship between our Higher Self and Lower Self

Entanglement represents a law that's prevalent at the primary level of reality, and like all laws, describes the behavior and relationship going on in every area of life. Matter as particles are composed of even smaller units known as photons which are "units of light". So what we call the material world is actually a realm of pure light that creates the appearance of solid objects. Light exists as both a particle (substance) and a wave (field), and exists as both simultaneously. A wave is an invisible field as a frequency that contains all patterns associated with that frequency in a purely potential form. Through a form of energetic interaction with another mind which "resonates" with only one of the "potential" for creating material form, it collapses the wave into "one possibility" through a form of choice as natural selection. Light as matter "shape-shifts" based on the individual consciousness interacting and entering into relationship with it. All material form comes through a relationship formed by two fields of the same vibratory frequency that act to stimulate each other into an active state. All material form is created through the relationship it forms with itself (same frequency) in another

So this basic idea, observed through behaviors a system naturally takes on, is always operating not only within the material world, as we call it, but also through multiple dimensions that are all interlaced and interdependent, most of which are invisible yet ultimately result in the visible world of matter. So anytime we're talking about the material world that can be sensed and perceived with our physical senses, we're actually referring to the "effect" or unified result of what originates in a predominately invisible realm of interlaced dimensions and energetic activity as a sea of information out of which all of life systematically emerges as a variety of possibilities that populate a single, unified reality as a biological system.

A photon, which is essentially the stuff of light, exists simultaneously in a dual state (on different dimensions) as both a wave and a particle. As a wave it exists in a purely potential state that's not yet formed into a specific object or idea, yet contains all the information necessary to collapse the wave into one possibility through a form of choice that comes naturally as conforming to the mind that's observing and interacting with it. When the wave of pure potential becomes something specific, all the information contained in the wave is organized and structured in a way that produces the form it takes on. The form light takes on is how it appears to the mind (individual) perceiving it. This material form changes and fluctuates in appearance with every single mind that interacts with it. In terms of being a particle, though it appears in singular form as something specific, and therefore real, it's actually only one possibility inherent in the wave as a potential for material expression as a material form with measurable properties.

rainbow conical

Probably one of the easiest ways to understand this idea is to break it down into conceptual terms. Light exists in multiple states as a range of vibration that forms a scale as a hierarchy that moves from a low frequency to a high frequency, all within a given range as a kind of larger, unified frequency that their composition forms. We have singular frequencies within greater frequencies, and smaller fields nested within larger fields. A frequency can be thought of as a thematic idea that no matter how it's composed and expressed within a given set of circumstances, still holds true to the theme itself as an overall idea expressed through a story-line as a certain type of reality. The frequency also contains the full consciousness of that idea as the attributes and qualities that imbue matter with the characteristics as a form of personality and identity that naturally produce the idea through a natural mental paradigm, predisposition, temperament, and behaviors. This scale as a range of vibration that contains numerous variations as gradients or unique formulas within the same frequency (using the same information in different combinations), form what we call potential expressions as possibilities or variations of the same overall idea. So a wave as a frequency indicates a state out of which natural ideas as potential realities spontaneously propagate, all based on what relationship forms between the interconnected multiple dimensions, which acts as a form of natural selection (resonance), that collapses the wave of pure infinite potential (inherent information) around a singular possibility as a particle or material form.

This field of information that provides the building blocks of a thematic idea as an archetype or basic formula, comprised of attributes, qualities, and characteristics enters into relationship with other mind-fields (entities) of the same frequency (archetype), and based on what's selected as comprehensible by the material mind interacting with it, whatever shared potential they have in common that matches the same idea as a possible variation in the corresponding mind is activated and determines how it organizes and structures itself into an astral form (transparent image) which is superimposed over (looked through) the neutral, objective outer reality, changing how it appears, and (re)forming it into a subjective reality. This process of natural selection comes through resonance which is a purely energetic process.  Each mind or individual of the same frequency that naturally interacts with it (wave-form), will choose (resonate with) a unique variation as one possibility out of literally an infinite number, and act to manifest (reform) the same idea in a somewhat different manner as a unique variation. All minds (paradigm) interact with other minds of the same frequency, and together they form or reform a new combination as a formula or configuration that reshapes it into a unique variation of a shared and common idea. It does this by forming an interference pattern, where the same field of information (frequency) separates from itself (mitosis), and acts on itself (in a perceived other) to transform itself by remixing the information being used to create a new experience of a common reality. This new formula as new combinations of basic information is the same process involved in the DNA of two individuals forming an offspring that is a combination of their compatible attributes and characteristics, and yet at the same time is an entirely unique person.

Interference patterns

An interference pattern, represented by the Dyad, brings into existence (in the material sense) only that which is formed through shared qualities that are combined to form new patterns as an independent entity that contains the complementary properties of both, creating a unique version of the same frequency as a basic thematic pattern. A state, which represents a specific kind of vibration that exists as a part of a larger range of vibration as one of its possibilities for expressing, exists in both wave-form (higher dimension) and material form (lower dimension). The material form as an inherent state of a far greater, all-encompassing frequency, is essentially connected to and of the same nature as that state within the wave. While a wave pervades time and space, it exists outside of the time-space continuum (which are only relevant to the created world) as non-local (not located in a form), while the particle exists within time and space as a living entity with a life-span. This living entity as a material body and non-material mind (field of information) remains intimately connected to itself (state) in everything else and is of the same nature as a state of vibration (consciousness) with all living entities that share the same state, regardless of where they're located within the space-time continuum.

Two particles that are born together (separation as regeneration) or that merge into each other and energetically and blend, forming coherence as the same state, remain connected throughout time and space through timelines. Whatever effects one (alters its state), also effects the other one. Not through a form of communication, which is required in the material sense of distance as traveling through space, but as an instantaneous response of an opposite and complementary nature. This not only occurs in the material dimension through what we call twin flames or soul mates or soul groups, but also between multiple dimensions as our oversoul, higher self, or guardian angel, who always accompany us as an internal (invisible) aspect of ourselves, that we're always in communion with.

These multidimensional aspects of ourselves exist as both our material mind located in a body within time and space (particle) and also as a waveform that transcends the entire material realm, which is fully contained within it and is what communicates with us through states of mind that serve to orchestrate different phases of our life as an unfolding process of growth and development. This inner guidance is from our self on a higher plane who already knows the entire activities of the lower plane in which we are emerged, and guides us through the motions necessary to act out a defined idea as our destiny. This supposed inner guidance doesn't come through our normal perceptions of voices, an inner hearing, or mental impressions as premonitions of sorts, but through altering states which naturally produce these in us as a sensory interpretation of an energetic matrix out of which they naturally arise as an effect or expression. All ideas seemingly formed out of words, that come to us as internal dialogue or thoughts that form realities as their formation, originate from a state as a feeling. Different states which are archetypal patterns of vibration, spontaneously produce thematic ideas as realities in our imagination or mind's eye. These feeling vibrations enter into our mind through resonance and acts to alter our state accordingly, giving rise to the indigenous ideas inherent in them.

Pineal gland within the brain

Vibrations are received through the Pineal gland, located in the center of the brain, and are translated into material realities as sensory images and sounds. The eyes and ears are on the same plane as the Pineal, which translate vibration as a state into a virtual reality that gives a program to the subconscious mind, which connects with that idea in the outer world through the heart center. We're always being led through transmissions sent to and picked up by the subconscious mind through feelings and the imagined scenarios they lend themselves to, as natural and automatic thoughts (a form of instinct) that tune us to and connect us with those same ideas in everything and everyone around us. The true question becomes are we conscious and aware of this inter-dimensional interaction going on through altered states, or do we remain unaware of them and believe we're somehow fending for ourselves, and therefore fail to cooperate?

This entanglement is based on complementary opposites that exist in a polarized state. What this means in terms of mechanics, is that whichever one (spirit, soul or body) is in an active state, the other is automatically rendered passive. While we're actively using our mind to figure stuff out and problem solve, we close ourselves down to receiving information from our higher mind. The only way to open up the communication is by becoming mentally passive (void of motive and thought), thereby activating our spiritual self, allowing the conception of ideas to take place as information received from our higher mind. The interaction between the higher and lower is always based on polarity of opposite and complementary states.

This guidance as state modifications that turn on and off certain attributes, changing how we feel and perceive the outer world as a correspondence, is sometimes called the Will of God. When we not only become aware of it but enter into union with it, allowing it to come through us, we become the means through which the higher, all-knowing mind expresses in the material world and a form of quickening results. We greatly speed up and facilitate our own evolution by resonating with our higher self as our true and divine nature. All resistance comes from a lack of awareness and the inability to think in terms of the bigger, overall picture, where different states are required to interact appropriately with them, and an identification with our material body as the only real us there is. We fail to realize that our material existence is but an aspect of ourselves that's temporary in nature, and not our true identity or destiny as a soul, which resides predominately on the higher, invisible planes of pure energy and consciousness that's non-local in nature, and knows the entire history of the timeline being played out on the lower, material plane as an effect or expression of higher powers.

Dr. Linda Gadbois 

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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