Thursday, September 5, 2024

Mind-Body Medicine: Developing a More Effective Style of Practicing by Employing Psychological Skills

Mind-Body Medicine: Developing a More Effective Style of Practicing by Employing Psychological Skills

 One of the most common mistakes we make when practicing medicine of any kind, is that we take a system that operates as a whole unit and we separate it into parts, and then proceed to treat only one part as if it’s independent of the system itself. We separate the mind from the body and approach the physical ailment in purely material terms without any awareness of what psychological and emotional effect we’re creating through our attitude and approach. Yet, just as all behavior comes as the product of emotions and thoughts, all biological processes and activities are also produced and influenced by the mind that serves to operate the body and give it life. Nowhere is this more readily demonstrated than in what we call the placebo effect which has been employed in numerous different ways and clearly demonstrates the power of the mind as beliefs has in producing distinct and specific effects in the body . . . 

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