Wednesday, June 12, 2024

DNA – The Phantom Effect, Quantum Hologram, and the Etheric Body

DNA – The Phantom Effect, Quantum Hologram, and the Etheric Body: DNA – The Phantom Effect, Quantum Hologram, and the Etheric Body › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

While modern day science used to look at DNA as a material substance that was fixed in nature, where it existed as a form of permanent programming that couldn’t be edited or changed, where we were at the mercy of our genes so to speak, but we now know that this isn’t true. DNA is composed of a liquid-like crystalline substance that acts as a form of antenna, receiver, and transmitter for processing and assimilating holographic information. It’s constantly in the process of taking in information inherent in its immediate environment that exists in a vibratory state and translates it into holograms. A hologram is a highly organized, coherent body of light that contains . . . 

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