Sunday, April 28, 2024

Becoming More Self-Aware

Becoming More Self-Aware: Becoming More Self-Aware › Dr. Linda Gadbois › › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

One of the greatest challenges we have in life in terms of being able to facilitate our own growth and development, comes in being "aware" of ourselves, in terms of how we're feeling, what internal processes are always being set in motion by how we're stimulated by others and our environment, and as the story we're always in the process of telling ourselves that makes everything mean what it does. We tend to always be focused on others rather than paying attention to what's happening inside of us in relations to others . . . .

Friday, April 26, 2024

The Path of Self-Mastery and the Process of Transformation to a Higher Level of Consciousness

The Path of Self-Mastery and the Process of Transformation to a Higher Level of Consciousness: The Path of Self-Mastery and the Process of Transformation to a Higher Level of Consciousness › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

So many people spend their entire life focused on other people while being controlled by others through their own emotional reactions, often feeling as though life is happening to them beyond their ability to control or direct it, yet if you step back and observe your life from a detached perspective, you'll realize that you're the one who's always creating how you experience things. It's not what happens to you that matters in the most basic sense, but how you respond to what happens, or use it as the means for developing yourself to a higher level of self-mastery . . .

Thursday, April 18, 2024

How to Work with Your Subtle Body as Your Mind in Order to Transform Your Reality

How to Work with Your Subtle Body as Your Mind in Order to Transform Your Reality: How to Work with Your Subtle Body as Your Mind in Order to Transform Your Reality › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

Many relate to the Subtle Body as being an energetic blueprint for their physical body, but it's also the blueprint for the outer reality formed through your perception of it. Reality itself is subjective in nature and is formed by your subconscious mind, which is your material mind, and your subconscious is constantly being "programmed by you" through your thoughts, imagination, and memories, formed by your conscious mind. Once you fully grasp this, you'll also realize that your subtle body is formed through the combination of both aspects of your mind, and can be programmed or reprogrammed by learning how to utilize your conscious mind to instruct your subconscious on what to produce, not only as a physical condition, but also as an equivalent outer condition . . .

Monday, April 15, 2024

How Karma Provides Us with the Basis for Learning Life Lessons, Healing, and Self-Administering Our own Spiritual Evolution

How Karma Provides Us with the Basis for Learning Life Lessons, Healing, and Self-Administering Our own Spiritual Evolution: How Karma Provides Us with the Basis for Learning Life Lessons, Healing, and Self-Administering Our own Spiritual Evolution › Dr. Linda Gadbois


 While the Law of Karma can be interpreted several ways, based on who’s interpreting it and their level of spiritual knowledge regarding the universal laws that all life faithfully operates according to, the most basic way of looking at it in the practical sense is as the Law of Cause and Effect. Every action, no matter how great or small, produces an equal or greater reaction as a direct correspondence. All activity forms an energetic discharge which flows in a circular current, and always returns to the place it originated. This means the effect produced is of a similar nature and idea as what caused it. You can determine the cause of something by studying the effect it served to produce, because they’re always of the same nature. All life functions through rudimentary patterns that are whole ideas. An action of any kind is a form of expression that sets a whole pattern in motion, where whatever we “put out”, either immediately or eventually returns to us, where we experience it as “happening to us” by another or through a set of what appears to be natural circumstances

Friday, April 12, 2024

Realizing Your True Self and Embodying Your Power to Consciously Create Yourself

Realizing Your True Self and Embodying Your Power to Consciously Create Yourself: Realizing Your True Self and Embodying Your Power to Consciously Create Yourself › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

The process of personal transformation (Alchemy) as a form of spiritual regeneration comes as a process that has two basic stages. The first stage is what’s often referred to as our psychological healing, where we shed our false ego built through our formative conditioning, and the second comes by learning how to employ the principles necessary for developing our self to a higher level of self-awareness and creativity. The first stage is necessary as a means of laying the proper foundation for creating ourselves through our ability to develop our true character from a fully conscious and self-aware state . . .

Monday, April 8, 2024

Moral Strength – The Power of Being Willfully Directed

Moral Strength – The Power of Being Willfully Directed: Moral Strength – The Power of Being Willfully Directed › Dr. Linda Gadbois ›

One of the most basic things we lack nowadays, and that's being intentionally taught-out of people. We have a tendency to glorify weakness, cater to mindless sensitivity and sentiment, and fail to recognize the spiritual power and significance of our own conscience and morality . . .

Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Illusion of Thinking you can Wake other People Up

The Illusion of Thinking you can Wake other People Up: The Illusion of Thinking you can Wake other People Up › Dr. Linda Gadbois ›

One of the main themes playing out in society right now, especially among the spiritually oriented communities, is that it’s somehow their job to try an ‘wake people up’. The first and most immediate question that arises from this idea is what do they mean by wake people up? Wake them up to what? How is that idea being used? Wake them up to what’s really happening in the world at the covert and subliminal level? Wake them up to how it is they’re being hypnotized and their perception shaped by the media? Or wake them up in realizing their own higher soul and true identity as a higher, more divine being? Or perhaps, like most things in life it’s a combination of all of them, which come as a correlated series of events that bring new awareness and realizations . . .