My intention in writing this article is to help breed a practical understanding of the universal laws at work in determining how energetically entangled systems function as a single entity, and how wave-particle duality is a fundamental concept that can be known directly by simply observing the laws that govern our own mind-body system. It’s often the terminology used that’s only relevant to a specialized field of science (quantum physics), and the scientific concepts being used to illustrate and describe something that make them seem confusing, where they appear to lack practical application in the most basic sense. We can only use knowledge in our everyday life when we have a practical understanding of how it operates in terms of our own mind in forming our perception of reality. I’m going to illustrate the principles at work in this idea using the intuitive models and tools provided for us in Spiritual Sciences, which involve Sacred Geometry and the philosophical interpretation of mathematical concepts, coupled with universal archetypes inherent in the human psyche, and correlating principles represented in spiritual texts as numbers and letters, which are metaphorical in nature . . .
#quantumphysics #spiritualsciences #esotericsciences #waveparticleduality #higherself #lowerself #universalprinciples