Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Cosmic Fire of the Mind – Piezoelectric Energy of the Brain and Third-Eye

The Cosmic Fire of the Mind – Piezoelectric Energy of the Brain and Third-Eye: The Cosmic Fire of the Mind – Piezoelectric Energy of the Brain and Third-Eye › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

What's called piezoelectricity is an effect produced in the brain through the subtle organ of the third-eye, which is correlated with what's also called the Light of the Astral Plane. Our higher mind operates our physical organism through our brain and nervous system using an electrical force that's "charged" with an archetypal idea as a vibratory frequency, causing a chain reaction that results in an inner light show that forms the basis for an analogous outer light formation (reality) as the manifestation of spirit in matter . . . . 

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Holistic Nature of Spiritual Sciences – Bridging Spirit and Science

The Holistic Nature of Spiritual Sciences – Bridging Spirit and Science: The Holistic Nature of Spiritual Sciences – Bridging Spirit and Science › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

Many people see the idea of ‘spirit’ and ‘science’ as being contradictory terms, where one acts to counteract, and therefore somehow disprove or invalidate the other, yet these terms can be seen as synonymous when looked at with a holistic mindset . . .

Friday, October 20, 2023

Elementals, Elementaries, and the Formative World of Astral Light

Elementals, Elementaries, and the Formative World of Astral Light: Elementals, Elementaries, and the Formative World of Astral Light › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings ›

The idea portrayed in spiritual sciences as elementals and the astral plane of light have been communicated in the universal language of symbols, making them seem mysterious and elusive, yet if we translate the same ideas using more modern language they become much easier to understand. When we form a practical understanding of these principles it becomes clear as to why modern science is forming a hypothesis around the idea of reality being a "simulation", but what many fail to realize, is that it's not a computer simulation in terms of how we now think of computers, but rather formed by our own mind through a dynamic process of polarization . . . 

Monday, October 16, 2023

The Astral Plane of the Aether, The Akashic Field of Cosmic Memory, and the Yetzirah World of Formation

The Astral Plane of the Aether, The Akashic Field of Cosmic Memory, and the Yetzirah World of Formation: The Astral Plane of the Aether, The Akashic Field of Cosmic Memory, and the Yetzirah World of Formation › Dr. Linda Gadbois ›

What we call the spiritual world is comprised of invisible forces of a highly intelligent nature that act through universal laws to form what we experience as “reality”. In order to understand how invisible forces behave and operate in performing a “creative process” we have to use a model as a means of conceptualizing them. Some people can get hung up on this because they mistake the concept or material model being used for the forces themselves, instead of maintaining an awareness that the model is used merely as a means of understanding how something works, because understanding is the prerequisite to being able to utilize these forces to create in a conscious and intentional manner. Universal laws form the very foundation for the “fabric of reality”, which means they’re “inherent” in every single aspect of reality, no matter what level or scale we’re examining or contemplating . . . 

Friday, October 13, 2023

Programming our DNA – A Practical Interpretation of Scientific Observation and Data

Programming our DNA – A Practical Interpretation of Scientific Observation and Data: Programming our DNA – A Practical Interpretation of Scientific Observation and Data › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

The principles governing our genetic makeup are the same principles that govern our mind, and demonstrate in the most practical way possible the laws that govern our mind and body, and explain how it is that our thoughts, feelings, and intentions serve to form our perception of reality. It also provides a very basic model for demonstrating the power of the spoken word in "calling forth" and determining our reality, because language forms frequencies, and frequencies have both a mental pattern and self-organizing mechanism inherent in them that structure every aspect of light, which is the basis for matter, into corresponding aspects of the same idea on multiple levels and scales at the same time, forming a coherent field of polarized light that reflects back to us the reality of our thoughts . . . 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Pineal and the Third Eye – The Seat of the Soul and the Alchemical Marriage

The Pineal and the Third Eye – The Seat of the Soul and the Alchemical Marriage: The Pineal and the Third Eye – The Seat of the Soul and the Alchemical Marriage › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

This is an in-depth description about the Pineal and the corresponding subtle organ known as the "third-eye", which can be thought of as the portal or gateway to the invisible plane coupled with the material world, known as the Astral Plane of cosmic light, and the role it plays in the process of ascension and spiritual regeneration, also known as Alchemy . . .

Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine: Integrative Medicine › Dr. Linda Gadbois › › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine defines integrative medicine as “the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing”. According to articles by proponents, integrative medicine is not the same as complementary and alternative medicine nor is it simply the combination of conventional medicine with complementary and alternative medicine. Rather, it “emphasizes wellness and healing of the entire person (bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions) as primary goals, drawing on both conventional and alternative approaches in the context of a supportive and effective physician-patient relationship”.