Monday, June 26, 2023

Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Personal Growth

Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Personal Growth: As a kid growing up, I was born into a very challenging life. My mom was a single mother with five kids, one of which was mentally retarded, my father was a severe alcoholic who became very abusive at times, and we were on welfare. We lived in a small two bedroom house in the Dr. Linda Gadbois

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

DNA – The Phantom Effect, Quantum Hologram, and the Etheric Body

DNA – The Phantom Effect, Quantum Hologram, and the Etheric Body: DNA – The Phantom Effect, Quantum Hologram, and the Etheric Body - Dr. Linda Gadbois - Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

My Experience and What I Learned about the True Nature of the Soul from doing Past Life Regressions

My Experience and What I Learned about the True Nature of the Soul from doing Past Life Regressions: I was born into this life a natural skeptic and never took anything at face value. From as far back as I can remember, whenever I encountered a religious, spiritual, or psychic idea of any kind, whether it was in church or at a neighbor’s house who did astrology or psychic readings, if something...

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Art of Introspection – Self-Knowledge, Awareness, and Tools for Transformation

The Art of Introspection – Self-Knowledge, Awareness, and Tools for Transformation: The Art of Introspection – Self-Knowledge, Awareness, and Tools for Transformation - Dr. Linda Gadbois - Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings