Monday, August 22, 2022

The Pineal and the Third Eye – The Seat of the Soul and the Alchemical Marriage

The Pineal and the Third Eye – The Seat of the Soul and the Alchemical Marriage: In this article I’m going to lay out a new model for understanding the “principles” involved in the function of the Pineal gland and its corresponding subtle organ of the Third Eye. My intention is to provide the basis for forming a new way of understanding the nature of what we also call the “soul”.

Monday, August 1, 2022

The Path of Self-Mastery and the Process of Transformation to a Higher Level of Consciousness

The Path of Self-Mastery and the Process of Transformation to a Higher Level of Consciousness: The idea that life on Earth is a “school” for the soul that’s designed to teach us in some way can seem a bit confusing to many because we often associate this idea with our pain and suffering brought on by the constant challenges that cause us to struggle in life. Sometimes our life can

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Nature of Emotions and how to Consciously Work with Them

The Nature of Emotions and how to Consciously Work with Them: Illusions are Born out of the Realities we Create While in Emotional States.   In order to work with something consciously and intentionally, we have to be able to... #EmotionalStates #astralplane #emotionalintelligence #emotionalcontrol #selfcreation #selfcontrol #consciouscreation #healing

Mass Brainwashing – Mastering your Will and Learning how to take back Control your Mind

Mass Brainwashing – Mastering your Will and Learning how to take back Control your Mind: In our modern day society of constant sensory stimulation and information overload, our minds tend to be constantly racing with thoughts and emotions that keep us in a constant state of distraction and prevent us from ever being present in... #autosuggetion #brainentrainment #brainwashingthemasses

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What is Spiritual Healing?

What is Spiritual Healing?: The term "spiritual healing" refers to the healing the "whole person", because the spirit is the universal mind, the soul the individual mind, creates body #soul #consciousness #mindovermatter #howtohealoursoul #spiritualhealing #selfcreation

The Pentagram and the Law of Regeneration – The Quintessence, Golden Ratio of Phi, and the Holographic Nature of the Universe

The Pentagram and the Law of Regeneration – The Quintessence, Golden Ratio of Phi, and the Holographic Nature of the Universe: The Pentad, also symbolized as a five-pointed star within a circle (Monad), called the Pentagram, represents the Quintessence as the fifth being or Element of the mind and soul. The fifth Element represents the Ether or Etheric body as a holographic model that encompasses... #alchemy #ancientwisdom #universallaws #sacredgeometry #personaltransformation #self-creation

Monday, July 29, 2019

DNA Transformation – The Law of the Tetrad

DNA Transformation – The Law of the Tetrad: One of the most basic interpretations of the Law of the Tetrad, which is formed in the womb of the Dyad, is that all outward communication as information is received inwardly by the subconscious and DNA (which is the brain of the cell), and modifies the... #astralplane #coherence #consciousmind #healing #mindovermatter