Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What is Spiritual Healing?

What is Spiritual Healing?: The term "spiritual healing" refers to the healing the "whole person", because the spirit is the universal mind, the soul the individual mind, creates body #soul #consciousness #mindovermatter #howtohealoursoul #spiritualhealing #selfcreation

The Pentagram and the Law of Regeneration – The Quintessence, Golden Ratio of Phi, and the Holographic Nature of the Universe

The Pentagram and the Law of Regeneration – The Quintessence, Golden Ratio of Phi, and the Holographic Nature of the Universe: The Pentad, also symbolized as a five-pointed star within a circle (Monad), called the Pentagram, represents the Quintessence as the fifth being or Element of the mind and soul. The fifth Element represents the Ether or Etheric body as a holographic model that encompasses... #alchemy #ancientwisdom #universallaws #sacredgeometry #personaltransformation #self-creation

Monday, July 29, 2019

DNA Transformation – The Law of the Tetrad

DNA Transformation – The Law of the Tetrad: One of the most basic interpretations of the Law of the Tetrad, which is formed in the womb of the Dyad, is that all outward communication as information is received inwardly by the subconscious and DNA (which is the brain of the cell), and modifies the... #astralplane #coherence #consciousmind #healing #mindovermatter

The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens

The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens: All of life as we know it exists as entities that are dual in nature as a field of energy that’s bound to a material core or body of some kind. The material body, which is made of a primarily liquid crystalline structure, serves as the passive component to consciousness, which is its... #akasha #thirdeye #psychic #atralplane #communicationwithgod

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Developing Clairvoyance – “Seeing the Spiritual World”

Developing Clairvoyance – “Seeing the Spiritual World”: I often get asked if clairvoyance or intuition is something we can learn and develop in ourselves, or are we just born with the ability as a gift? And I usually reply . . . it’s both, it’s a natural faculty we’re all born with, that is usually chalked up to a... #akasha #akashicfield #alchemy #psychic #clairvoyance #intuition

The Law of the Triad – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence

The Law of the Triad – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence: The Law of the Triad – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, & Coherence. Our mind works by the primary law that governs all of life - often called the trinity #universallaws #principles #vibration #energy #resonance #selfcreation

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Eternal Nature of the Soul and the Illusion of Time and Space

The Eternal Nature of the Soul and the Illusion of Time and Space: In order to truly comprehend any idea, we have to start by defining the meaning of the terms being used to describe them. While we tend to think that words mean the same thing to everyone, this is never the case, so in order to form the model necessary to... #astrallight #conscious #entanglement #pastliferegression #thenatureofthesoul #soulscience