Monday, July 15, 2019

How to Consciously work with Subtle Energy

How to Consciously work with Subtle Energy: Subtle energy is the consciousness that we're always exchanging with everything around us that we experience as emotions that alter our state and create us #consciousness #consciouscreation #emotions #reactivebehavior #selfcreating #selfdevelopment #selfmastery

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Nature of the Subconscious – The Unified Mind of the Material Plane

The Nature of the Subconscious – The Unified Mind of the Material Plane: We often hear sayings about “oneness” and everything being one, living in unity with Nature and each other, and so on, which of course contradicts the nature of our actual experience as our perception of the outer world and others. This is largely due to the... #archetypes #consciousness #DrLinda #transformation #mindsciences #mindovermatter

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle

The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle: As we speak, whether internally as thought our externally as speech, we shape into a reality in a mind as a vibratory frequency that forms our outer reality  #mindovermatter #howwecreaterealty #hypnosis selfcreation #personaltransformation

10 Universal Laws, 7 Hermetic Principles, and 22 Paths of Transformation

10 Universal Laws, 7 Hermetic Principles, and 22 Paths of Transformation: The primary Universal Laws and Hermetic principles provide us with an operational manuel for how our own mind works to create our reality and self . . . #universallaws #principles #sacredgeometry #qabalah #selfcreation #personaltransformation

Monday, July 1, 2019

The Art of Self-Creation and the Power of an “Ideal”

The Art of Self-Creation and the Power of an “Ideal”: In order to “create” something in a deliberate and intentional manner, we have to start by formulating an idea of what it is we’re creating and reason we’re creating it. As with any creative process, we have to start with an idea as an “ideal” of... #actualization #alchemy #becomingthebestyoucanbe #selfcreation #selfdevelopment #creatingyourself

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Nature of Projection, Judgment, and Emotional Reactions

The Nature of Projection, Judgment, and Emotional Reactions: The idea that whatever we see in others and have a strong reaction to is something that we also have in us, can be difficult to understand because of course we don’t see ourselves as being anything like them and may even despise them for being that way... #astralbody #body #emotionalreactions #selfawareness #selfcreation #transformation #healing

Monday, June 24, 2019

Creativity – The Relationship between Choice, Will, and Creating Reality

Creativity – The Relationship between Choice, Will, and Creating Reality: It doesn’t take long to realize that in life all things exist in relationship to each other. There’s really no such thing as an independent or solitary act. Everything comes as a result of something else, or as a synchronized series of events that play... #CreatingReality #attention #willpower #selfcreation #personaldevelopment #transformation