Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle

The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle: All “sound” as vibration has a creative or formative power commonly referred to as a “self-organizing mechanism”. Vibration acts to stimulate the vibration of other objects within near proximity that are of the same “nature” as a... #HarmonicResonance #healingpowerofsound #healingpowerofthought

Monday, June 17, 2019

The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design

The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design: Unfortunately so many of us have been virtually detached from our true origins as spiritual beings and taught to think of life from a purely material and very limited perspective, and so we don’t realize the true nature of our own genetic makeup. Many... #ancestralmemory #DNA #ethericbody #personaltransformation #selfgrowth #selfcreation

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Divine Providence – Intuition, Fate and Destiny

Divine Providence – Intuition, Fate and Destiny: The idea of Divine Providence, like fate and destiny, indicates that there’s a grand plan laid out for our life and that a higher power acts to organize the events of our life and the order in which they unfold. It’s the... #DivineProvidence–Intuition #FateandDestiny #howthemindcreatesreality

The Masculine and Feminine Principle of the Soul, Mind, and Body

The Masculine and Feminine Principle of the Soul, Mind, and Body: All spiritual ideas that represent laws and principles are conveyed in symbolic form as metaphors, analogies, and allegories that demonstrate the principles as creating in the material realm. The material world itself exists as symbolic form of the spiritual. The spiritual... #active #alchemy

Friday, June 14, 2019

Alchemy and the Process of Initiation – Transformation and Growth through Challenges and Ordeals

Alchemy and the Process of Initiation – Transformation and Growth through Challenges and Ordeals: The ancient art known as “Alchemy” dealt with the idea of soul purification and self-creation through masterful use of the will. It works through Universal Laws that govern all of the material world as a primary form of mind-over-matter, or the mind’s... #adept #ancientmysteries #ancientwisdom #personaltransformation #selfcreation selfdevelopment

Thursday, June 13, 2019

How we set Our Vibratory Frequency – State of Mind, Thought, and Imagination

How we set Our Vibratory Frequency – State of Mind, Thought, and Imagination: There are many ideas around how to create and determine our vibratory frequency, which forms the primary basis as a thematic pattern for all of our perceptions and life experiences, but probably the easiest way to do it is by gaining a firm understanding... #ancientwisdom #coherence #emotionalstate #state #mindovermatter #perception #howwecreatereality

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Gaining a Practical Understanding of the Principles involved for our Soul to Transcend the Material Plane

Gaining a Practical Understanding of the Principles involved for our Soul to Transcend the Material Plane: This idea can be difficult to fully grasp in practical terms because it’s very esoteric in the sense that it requires a true shift in awareness in order to be able to employ intentionally.It requires an in-depth understanding of the... #alchemy #AscendingtoHigherPlanes #consciousawareness #ascending #transcendence #selfcreation #individuality