Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Initiation – Illuminating the Soul with Inner Light

Initiation – Illuminating the Soul with Inner Light: What is referred to as an “Initiate” is someone in which their Higher Self has coalesced with the personality and incarnated within their body in a fully active and aware state. The Higher Self typically exists in a dormant state within the... #Initiation–IlluminatingtheSoulwithInnerLight

Monday, March 25, 2019

Learning to Understand the Nature of Life, Death and the Soul

Learning to Understand the Nature of Life, Death and the Soul: Death is still one of the greatest mysteries there are. Some people feel terrified at the mere thought of it because they have no idea what to expect or what will actually happen and “where they’ll go”. Whatever we imagine is largely due to our... #deathexperience #dying #Eternalnatureofthesoul

Friday, March 22, 2019

The Art of Creating Yourself as a Higher Level of Consciousness

The Art of Creating Yourself as a Higher Level of Consciousness: The Art of Creating Yourself as a Higher Level of Consciousness        The most notable difference between humans and animals lies in our ability to create ourselves in an intentional and deliberate manner. We all suffer from a common dilemma... #changinghabits #conscious #controllingyourthoughts

Realizing your True Higher Purpose

Realizing your True Higher Purpose: Realizing your True Higher Purpose        There are very few things that give our life more meaning and provide us with natural motivation as a kind of passion and devotion than realizing what our true purpose in life is. While we may have several purposes... #creatingyourself #destiny #Higherself

Thursday, March 21, 2019

State of Mind – The Science and Art of Personal Transformation

State of Mind – The Science and Art of Personal Transformation: All spiritual development comes by way of embodying and expressing certain “qualities” that alter our consciousness through employing them, and develop our character accordingly. Qualities are states of mind that form our... #changeyourmind #changeyourmindchangeyourlife #changingyourmentalvibration

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Law of the Mind – Our Character, Nature, and Quality of Consciousness

The Law of the Mind – Our Character, Nature, and Quality of Consciousness: The fundamental law out of which all other laws spontaneously emerge out of is the Law of the Mind as "mentalism". The entire material reality is a construct of the mind . . .

Monday, March 18, 2019

Learning how to look at your Diet with New Spiritual Awareness

Learning how to look at your Diet with New Spiritual Awareness: While there's much debate about what makes a healthy diet, we can gain a new understanding by looking at the energetic nature of food