Friday, March 1, 2019

Understanding Universal Laws and how to Use them

Understanding Universal Laws and how to Use them: A basic description of what universal laws are and how to apply them to your daily life  #law #principles # howtocreate #spiritualknowledge

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Spiritual Mentoring and Counseling

Spiritual Mentoring and Counseling: Spiritual Mentoring differs from other type of mentoring in terms of its subject and relationship to God (higher forces) and learning the practical processes necessary for developing ourselves to be “like God” by cultivating a virtuous nature and exercising our higher capacities to self-create... #healing #spiritualhealing #growth #personaldevelopment #transformation

Hypnosis – How it Works, and Why it’s so Effective

Hypnosis – How it Works, and Why it’s so Effective: Gaining an understanding of what hypnosis is and how it works to produce permanent change

Mass Brainwashing – Mastering your Will and Learning how to take back Control your Mind

Mass Brainwashing – Mastering your Will and Learning how to take back Control your Mind: In our modern day society of constant sensory stimulation and information overload, our minds tend to be constantly racing with thoughts and emotions that keep us in a constant state of distraction and prevent us from ever being present in... #autosuggetion #brainentrainment #brainwashingthemasses

Monday, February 25, 2019

The Subconscious Mind as the Vehicle for the Soul and the Secret to the Manifestation of Cosmic Will

The Subconscious Mind as the Vehicle for the Soul and the Secret to the Manifestation of Cosmic Will: The aspect of the mind known as the subconscious mind is also what we can think of as our “body consciousness” and is symbolized in Esoteric Sciences by the Moon which acts as a “ship of the sky” that serves as the means for transportation and communication... #alchemy #archytypes #characteristics

Self-Awareness and how we Become Who we are – Realizing the Nature of Relationships and Exercising the Power of Choice to Self-Create

Self-Awareness and how we Become Who we are – Realizing the Nature of Relationships and Exercising the Power of Choice to Self-Create: We’re all in the process of “becoming” in life through a constant interaction as an outer stimulus that causes an inner response of a like nature. From the time were born, we’re subject to a constant form of outer stimulation from others, our environment... #alchemy #changingwhoweare #conditioning

Huna – Hawaiian Shamanism

Huna – Hawaiian Shamanism: --- Professional Training & Private Sessions ---- Huna = "hoo - nah" means "secret" or "hidden knowledge" Kahuna = "Kah - hoo - nah" means - "keeper of the secret" Huna is the Polynesian practice of the Secret Sciences as applied psychology and Natural Laws... #ancientwisdom #beliefsystem #beliefs