Friday, February 15, 2019

Sacred Geometry – The Tetrad and the Universal Law of Creation

Sacred Geometry – The Tetrad and the Universal Law of Creation: All spiritual knowledge exists as laws, and Sacred Geometry is the symbolic language used to illustrate and communicate these laws. Universal laws are the invisible forces and primordial intelligence of the natural world as processes that organize... #creatingyourself #decodingsacredgeometry #Dyad #universallaw #tetragrammaton #tetrad #sacredgeometry #mindovermatter 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Alchemy – The Art of Personal Transformation

Alchemy – The Art of Personal Transformation: What is Personal Transformation & what Methods do we Use to Achieve it? Personal Transformation can be thought of as a form of self-facilitated, never ending growth process. We engage in a form of self-discovery, realization, and actualization that serves to... #adept #alchemicalprocess #alchemy

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Hypnosis & Guided Meditation

Hypnosis & Guided Meditation: "Pathways into your own Mind" Hypnosis and Guided Meditation are a basic form of mind development and personal empowerment that allows you to program your own mind and communicate directly with the subconscious aspect of the mind, which produces all of your natural perceptions and... #addictions

The Creative Power of the Imagination – Free Choice, Will, and the Nature of Memory

The Creative Power of the Imagination – Free Choice, Will, and the Nature of Memory: Explores how the subconscious creates material reality using various forms of memory formed and received through the subconscious mind

Monday, February 11, 2019

Projection is an Absolute Science – “Unveiling Hidden Aspects of the Subconscious Mind”

Projection is an Absolute Science – “Unveiling Hidden Aspects of the Subconscious Mind”: The idea of “projection” can be difficult to understand in the practical sense because most of us have no real awareness of our own subconscious mind, and the true nature of denial and emotional suppression. As a general rule we naturally tend to perceive... #condtioning #consciousness #darkside #denial #repression #unconsciousness #issues

The Unified Reality of the Lower Plane and the Nature of the Subconscious Mind

The Unified Reality of the Lower Plane and the Nature of the Subconscious Mind: There’s always a Divine Paradox playing out in the most basic sense as what appears to be a single reality that’s actually three-fold in nature as multiple planes that act together to create the perception of a single, unified reality. This is... #activeandpassive #automaticbehavior #brainwashing

The Nature of the Subconscious – The Unified Mind of the Material Plane

The Nature of the Subconscious – The Unified Mind of the Material Plane: We often hear sayings about “oneness” and everything being one, living in unity with Nature and each other, and so on, which of course contradicts the nature of our actual experience as our perception of the outer world and others. This is largely due to the... #archetypes #consciousness #DrLinda #subconscious #natureofthemind #oneness #collectiveunconscious #massconsciousness