Friday, January 25, 2019

The Chakra System Provides us with a Model for Using our Mind to Heal our Body

The Chakra System Provides us with a Model for Using our Mind to Heal our Body: The Chakra system of the subtle body gives us a “model for creating” from a dual perspective as the movement of energy that’s both descending as spirit into matter, and matter ascending back into spirit. The creative process... #alteringyourvibratoryfrequency #astralbody #brainandheartcoherence #chakras #ethericbody #mindovermatter #healing #how tohealyourselfuisngyourmind

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Shadow and the Ego – Self-Creation and Personal Transformation

The Shadow and the Ego – Self-Creation and Personal Transformation: The soul exists essentially as threefold in nature between multiple planes, and as “dual” in nature within the material plane. All of life as we know it is comprised of both masculine and feminine energy as an inner and outer aspect of the same mind... #becomingselfaware #beliefs #breakingoldhabits #ego #shadow #personaltransformation #spiritualenlightenment #spiritualawakening

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Monday, January 21, 2019

Huna – Hawaiian Shamanism

Huna – Hawaiian Shamanism: --- Professional Training & Private Sessions ---- Huna = "hoo - nah" means "secret" or "hidden knowledge" Kahuna = "Kah - hoo - nah" means - "keeper of the secret" Huna is the Polynesian practice of the Secret Sciences as applied psychology and Natural Laws... #ancientwisdom #beliefsystem #beliefs #Huna #shamanism #shamans #psychology

The Mind-Body Connection: Frequency, Sympathetic Resonance, and Coherence

The Mind-Body Connection: Frequency, Sympathetic Resonance, and Coherence: Understanding the energetic connection between the mind and body . . . #vibration #subtleenergy #soul #mind #themindbodyrelationship #personaltransformation #selfcreation

Realizing your True Higher Purpose

Realizing your True Higher Purpose: There's nothing more powerful than living a purpose driven life and acting to consciously co-create our destiny . . . #lifepurpose #soulspurpose #destiny #selfcreation #creatingyourlife #personaltransformation #spirituality #mindpower