Thursday, January 17, 2019
Introspection, Self-Awareness, and Transforming Yourself by Learning how to Work through Your Own Tendencies
Introspection, Self-Awareness, and Transforming Yourself by Learning how to Work through Your Own Tendencies: Self-mastery as self-realization that comes by realizing how we act on ourselves to create our own experiences. By Dr. Linda Gadbois #consciouscreation #selfcreation #reactivebehaviors #emotionalintelligence #selfmastery #selfrealization #selfawareness #personaltransformation
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Archetypes, Morphic Fields, and Memory – The Holographic- Etheric Blueprint for Creating Reality
Archetypes, Morphic Fields, and Memory – The Holographic- Etheric Blueprint for Creating Reality: Memory exists not only as a personal creation we form as the result of what we can call “real life experiences”, but exists as the very basis for knowledge itself as ideas that can be used to create... #akashicfield #akashicrecords #andMemory–TheEthericHolographicBlueprintforCreatingReality
Self-Awareness and how we Become Who we are – Realizing the Nature of Relationships and Exercising the Power of Choice to Self-Create
Self-Awareness and how we Become Who we are – Realizing the Nature of Relationships and Exercising the Power of Choice to Self-Create: We’re all in the process of “becoming” in life through a constant interaction as an outer stimulus that causes an inner response of a like nature. From the time were born, we’re subject to a constant form of outer stimulation from others, our environment... #alchemy #changingwhoweare #conditioning
Integrative Medicine
Integrative Medicine: What is Integrative Medicine? The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine defines integrative medicine as "the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole... #alternative #body #bodyawareness #integrativemedicine #mindbodymedicine #complementarymedicine #wellness
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
The Transformative Power of Relationships and how to Create Healthy Ones
The Transformative Power of Relationships and how to Create Healthy Ones: Of all the areas of our life that effect us the deepest and with the greatest range of possibilities, our relationships rate the highest. This is true not only in our relationships with other people, but more importantly, in our relationship with ourselves. The... #abandonment #advice #affection #relationships #love #marriage #transformation #selfcreation #selfdevelopment #spiritual #psychology
Monday, January 14, 2019
Alchemy – The Art of Personal Transformation
Alchemy – The Art of Personal Transformation: What is Personal Transformation & what Methods do we Use to Achieve it? Personal Transformation can be thought of as a form of self-facilitated, never ending growth process. We engage in a form of self-discovery, realization, and actualization that serves to... #adept #alchemicalprocess #alchemy #personaltransformation #selfcreation #consciouscreation #imagination #will #spirit #soul #purpose #destiny #psychology #mindovermatter #metaphysics
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