Friday, July 26, 2024

The Principles Involving Death, Transformation, and Our Journey through the Afterlife

The Principles Involving Death, Transformation, and Our Journey through the Afterlife: The Principles Involving Death, Transformation, and Our Journey through the Afterlife › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

Much has been written throughout history about the dual nature of the mind and soul in man, one mortal and temporary, the other immortal and eternal, as knowledge that was handed down to us by the gods and immortals that created us, yet many still remain shrouded in doubt and filled with anxiety at the thought of annihilation. All spiritual knowledge comes as knowledge of universal laws, and when properly understood provide us with the keys and processes necessary for facilitating our own evolution to a higher level of reality and self-awareness . . . .

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Dual Nature of Existence and the Universal Law of Polarity

The Dual Nature of Existence and the Universal Law of Polarity: The Dual Nature of Existence and the Universal Law of Polarity › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

Polarity is one of the fundamental universal laws that form the very basis for all material manifestation. All material forms and constructs are manufactured through vibration, and vibration is the movement and interaction of polar opposites of the same thing. What we've come to term 'duality' is paradoxical in the most basic sense, because all single bodies and entities are formed and maintained out of dual aspects of the same archetypal idea . . .

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Auto-Suggestion & Affirmations – The Secret to Programming your Own Subconscious Mind

Auto-Suggestion & Affirmations – The Secret to Programming your Own Subconscious Mind: Auto-Suggestion & Affirmations – The Secret to Programming your Own Subconscious Mind › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

All self-talk is a basic form of self-hypnosis. We're always programming our subconscious on what to perceive and interact with all around us through our thoughts and feelings. As we think, so we become. Many subscribe to practices of positive affirmations and auto-suggestion, without achieving any real results, because there's an art to doing it right . . .

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens

The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens: The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens › Dr. Linda Gadbois › Spiritual Sciences - Mystery School Teachings

Well, I just finished the last parts of my first book . . . which was an amazing amount of work (laughing), but definitely a "labor of love". It was truly a learning experience, in more ways than one, and now that I've got the process down, I'm going to take a break for a bit, decompress, sit for hours starring into a camp fire listening to the trees rustle with a creek in the back ground . . . and then get back to work! I've got my next 2 books lined up, as well as some guided meditation recording, videos, and podcasts . . . enjoy your 4th everyone . . . .