Friday, March 29, 2019
Learning to Discipline Your Emotions and Consciously Create your Experiences
Learning to Discipline Your Emotions and Consciously Create your Experiences: One of the most prevalent ways we’re controlled by others and the events of our life are through our emotions. As we’re triggered by the emotions being expressed by another, we take on those same emotions, and react in an automatic... #controllingyouremotions #emotionalcontrol #expression
Thursday, March 28, 2019
The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle
The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle: All “sound” as vibration has a creative or formative power commonly referred to as a “self-organizing mechanism”. Vibration acts to stimulate the vibration of other objects within near proximity that are of the same “nature” as a... #HarmonicResonance #healingpowerofsound #healingpowerofthought
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Art of Detachment – Freedom from Illusions, Transcendence, and the True Nature of Compassion
The Art of Detachment – Freedom from Illusions, Transcendence, and the True Nature of Compassion: The idea of what it means to detach from something can seem confusing because, like most ideas, it has both positive and negative connotations, based on how it’s being looked at, applied, or done, or how it comes about naturally. In all forms of spiritual development, detachment from the...
Initiation – Illuminating the Soul with Inner Light
Initiation – Illuminating the Soul with Inner Light: What is referred to as an “Initiate” is someone in which their Higher Self has coalesced with the personality and incarnated within their body in a fully active and aware state. The Higher Self typically exists in a dormant state within the... #Initiation–IlluminatingtheSoulwithInnerLight
Monday, March 25, 2019
Learning to Understand the Nature of Life, Death and the Soul
Learning to Understand the Nature of Life, Death and the Soul: Death is still one of the greatest mysteries there are. Some people feel terrified at the mere thought of it because they have no idea what to expect or what will actually happen and “where they’ll go”. Whatever we imagine is largely due to our... #deathexperience #dying #Eternalnatureofthesoul
Friday, March 22, 2019
The Art of Creating Yourself as a Higher Level of Consciousness
The Art of Creating Yourself as a Higher Level of Consciousness: The Art of Creating Yourself as a Higher Level of Consciousness The most notable difference between humans and animals lies in our ability to create ourselves in an intentional and deliberate manner. We all suffer from a common dilemma... #changinghabits #conscious #controllingyourthoughts
Realizing your True Higher Purpose
Realizing your True Higher Purpose: Realizing your True Higher Purpose There are very few things that give our life more meaning and provide us with natural motivation as a kind of passion and devotion than realizing what our true purpose in life is. While we may have several purposes... #creatingyourself #destiny #Higherself
Thursday, March 21, 2019
State of Mind – The Science and Art of Personal Transformation
State of Mind – The Science and Art of Personal Transformation: All spiritual development comes by way of embodying and expressing certain “qualities” that alter our consciousness through employing them, and develop our character accordingly. Qualities are states of mind that form our... #changeyourmind #changeyourmindchangeyourlife #changingyourmentalvibration
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
The Law of the Mind – Our Character, Nature, and Quality of Consciousness
The Law of the Mind – Our Character, Nature, and Quality of Consciousness: The fundamental law out of which all other laws spontaneously emerge out of is the Law of the Mind as "mentalism". The entire material reality is a construct of the mind . . .
Monday, March 18, 2019
Learning how to look at your Diet with New Spiritual Awareness
Learning how to look at your Diet with New Spiritual Awareness: While there's much debate about what makes a healthy diet, we can gain a new understanding by looking at the energetic nature of food
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Mastering your own Mind: Will, Intuition, and our Relationship with our Higher Self
Mastering your own Mind: Will, Intuition, and our Relationship with our Higher Self: In order to learn how to master your own mind you have to form a working concept of it in practical terms. In order to do this we have to look at each aspect of the mind and how it functions as a dynamic part of the whole mind... #andourRelationshipwithourHigherSelf #communication #consciousness
Mind over Matter – The Placebo Effect and the Power of Belief
Mind over Matter – The Placebo Effect and the Power of Belief: The placebo effect demonstrates the power of the mind to direct the natural forces through the power of belief
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
The Art of Dying – Conscious Transitioning
The Art of Dying – Conscious Transitioning: Returning to Our Spiritual Essence Our Souls Journey Through Time Death is simply a Birth into the Energetic Realm of Pure Potential. A Deep Relief from the Suffering we Encounter through our Physical Existence. Yet Death is a... #agooddeath #absorbingtheessenceofthebody #acquiringexperience
The Eternal Nature of the Soul and the Illusion of Time and Space
The Eternal Nature of the Soul and the Illusion of Time and Space: In order to truly comprehend any idea, we have to start by defining the meaning of the terms being used to describe them. While we tend to think that words mean the same thing to everyone, this is never the case, so in order to form the model necessary to... #astrallight #conscious #entanglement
Friday, March 8, 2019
The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design
The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design: The evolution of the soul through different bodies and points in time may come through the souls ability to produce it's own DNA as a form of family bloodline
Thursday, March 7, 2019
The Threefold Nature of our Mind, the Art of Self-Perfection, and the True Nature of Choice, Imagination, and Higher Will
The Threefold Nature of our Mind, the Art of Self-Perfection, and the True Nature of Choice, Imagination, and Higher Will: One of the problems we have in realizing the true nature of not only ourselves, but of reality in general, is that we have a hard time not thinking in separative, dualistic terms, while trying to comprehend a reality that’s the unification of multiple dimensions... #alchemy #HigherWill #selfcreation #mindpower #creatingreality #transformation
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Self-Awareness and Realization – All Knowledge can only be acquired through Direct Experience
Self-Awareness and Realization – All Knowledge can only be acquired through Direct Experience: While we have a tendency to think that we can learn through memorization of various forms, the fact is we only truly learn through the direct experience of something
Personal Transformation – Breaking Perceptual Patterns by Learning the Lesson they Hold for You
Personal Transformation – Breaking Perceptual Patterns by Learning the Lesson they Hold for You: We always repeat patterns in our life until we become conscious of them and gain the realizations they hold for us
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Practicing Spiritual Knowledge as a means of Creating
Practicing Spiritual Knowledge as a means of Creating: Spiritual knowledge is only obtained through experience that comes from applying it in a practical way as the means of self-creating
Monday, March 4, 2019
The Secret behind Understanding how Spiritual Guidance Works
The Secret behind Understanding how Spiritual Guidance Works: A practical understanding of how spiritual guidance comes and what we need to do in order to utilize it in the practical sense
Friday, March 1, 2019
The Soul as the Subconscious Mind and the Holographic Nature of Reality
The Soul as the Subconscious Mind and the Holographic Nature of Reality: The Soul as the Subconscious Mind and the Holographic Nature of Reality
Understanding Universal Laws and how to Use them
Understanding Universal Laws and how to Use them: A basic description of what universal laws are and how to apply them to your daily life #law #principles # howtocreate #spiritualknowledge
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