Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Attracting Love "The Nature of Dynamic Interactions"

There are many formulas out there for "how to" attract what you want whether it be in love, life, business or money. But the fact of the matter is we attract based on who and what we are. To attract something different we have to become different ourselves.

Who we are is comprised of a "self-concept" that forms our model of the world, the way things are and how we exist in relationship & contrast to it. This model of our self is equivalent to an energetic matrix of archetypal energies that vibrate at certain frequencies that produce qualities as human characteristics. This vibratory pattern is our attractive ability. We attract to us, that which is "like" us, of the same quality vibration. In this, we enter into relationship with those who have "scripts" in our movie. We attract our leading man / lady, who become our co-star and we create a story that serves both people.

The confusion can be around what we mean when we say "like". Like begets like in the sense of opposite polarity in a single force. We attract our opposite of the same dynamic. It's the interaction that stimulates and brings out certain qualities in both people that then form the primary theme of the relationship. Therefore, those who have abandonment issues, attract the perfect partner whose behavior can readily be interpreted to create the illusion of abandonment. Someone who is used to being ignored will attract a mate who behaves in such a way that they feel ignored. We mimic all aspects of dynamic interactive patterns that we were conditioned with as children.

In order for this to change, we have to become aware of our own tendencies, how we interpret certain behavior to tell the same type story "about" ourselves, and consciously chose to tell a different story. We have to engage in actively shifting our identity so that we alter the feeling qualities that we co-create with, and use as a beacon to attract ideal people to us. Our identity is the core out of which all our stories emerge as a form of self-expression. We create reality based on what we believe to be true about our self, others and the world at large.

Just as we have to "become" the change we desire, we have to become the person we desire to attract. In order to have a healthier relationship, we have to be willing to give up our "old stories" and embrace the courage it takes to write a new song! Then we attract to us the ideal mate to co-create a new reality!

Create an "ideal" of yourself (higher version) aspire towards it and consistently embody the qualities to actualize as your highest possibility, and you will attract those who are ideal to facilitate your unfolding. Relationships are the most significant growth tools we have. It is only in relationship that we can come to understand who we are, what our tendencies are, and begin to make conscious choices to become the kind of person we aspire towards.


Relationships are always reflecting back to us what we can't see on our own. Like "always" begets like.

We attract to us those of the same quality.

What we see in others are our own qualities that we first project, then recognize, point out and interact with.

Qualities that are NOT of the same nature . . . . we don't even notice, nothing becomes activated inside of us. We fail to even recognize them. We only recognize aspects of ourselves in others as well as in our environment.

All perception is ultimately "self" perception.
To attract it . . . . you have to "BE" it.

Linda Gadbois Ph.D.(c), CCHt., RMT
Professional Educator, Trainer, Mentor and Consultant for Creative Mind Development, Personal Transformations, Conscious Creation and Spiritual Technology.

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